Three Four Five Nursery School

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About Three Four Five Nursery School

Name Three Four Five Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Fitzhugh Community Clubroom, London, SW18 3SA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children's behaviour is exemplary. They are kind and respectful to one another and this is because of the nurturing and enthusiastic staff.

As children arrive in the morning, staff welcome them with a big smile and a cheerful greeting. Staff have established strong bonds with children and know each child's individual character and personality incredibly well. The dedicated managers and their staff provide a highly successful, challenging curriculum that builds on what children know and can do.

For example, children enjoy exploring with ice as part of their exploration activity, after they showed interest in ice ...and why it melts. Children benefit from an exciting and stimulating learning environment and show deep levels of engagement and eagerness to learn. Throughout the setting, the exceptionally skilled and talented staff team supports children's learning to ensure every child fulfils their potential.

The managers have high expectations for the setting and they use a robust and regular self-evaluation system to make improvements. Rigorous monitoring of teaching and the curriculum ensures that training needs are accurately identified and improves staff expertise. When staff notice children progressing in their learning, they seamlessly plan an activity to extend this learning even further.

This leads to children demonstrating extremely high levels of motivation and confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The managers and their team have developed incredibly strong partnerships with parents. Parents are thoroughly included in their children's learning and development.

Staff are passionate about truly getting to know their key children and learning about what makes them unique. For example, home visits are arranged before children start at the setting. These highly effective visits allow staff to establish a bond with the children and find out what they enjoy and what makes them special.

Meticulous observation and assessment of children help staff to quickly identify those who may require additional support, and highly effective plans are implemented immediately. All children are developing exceptionally well in all areas.Staff are extremely consistent in promoting children's positive behaviour and attitudes.

They take time to explain to children why some behaviours might upset others, and this leads to children having a strong sense of what is right and wrong.The managers encourage continuous improvement in the setting successfully. They maintain a strong focus on ensuring that staff expertise can support further improvements.

For instance, regular supervision of staff performance provides a robust programme of training to develop subject knowledge. Staff recently completed training around supporting children with hearing difficulties, which staff feel has made them even stronger practitioners.Staff are excellent communicators.

Children of all ages and abilities have countless opportunities to share ideas and communicate with staff and their friends. Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children, which leads to children demonstrating high levels of confidence and a wide range of vocabulary.The managers demonstrate immense passion, knowledge and ambition.

They ensure that they constantly achieve exceptionally high standards and support every child to have highly meaningful and challenging experiences in their learning. They work incredibly hard to support staff well-being. They consistently offer support and guidance, creating a respectful and caring environment.

The quality of teaching is outstanding, with staff giving children countless opportunities to discover and explore in their extremely interesting setting. They use the natural resources around them to create a magical and interesting learning environment indoors and out. For example children use their imagination as they explore the newly developed mud kitchen outside.

They enthusiastically learn about nature and insects in their bug hotel and wormery areas.There are many opportunities for children to become independent learners and to be responsible. For example, children show great pride when it is their turn to be the 'helping hand' throughout the day.

They carefully hand out cups and bowls at snack time. They then go on to prepare the snack, such as cutting the bananas and apples for their friends.Children benefit from highly effective and consistent care routines to further promote their emotional security.

The managers and staff are excellent role models. They consistently teach children good manners and excellent hygiene practices. For example, staff recently placed a mirror next to the tissue box, so that children can wipe their own noses.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team ensures that staff keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date. For instance, staff complete training and discuss safeguarding issues in staff meetings.

Staff have an excellent understanding of how to deal with concerns about children's welfare. They are familiar with the whistle-blowing policy and procedures for reporting allegations. They have an exceptional understanding of the signs and symptoms which may indicate that children are at risk of harm.

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