Time Out Childcare Locks Heath

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About Time Out Childcare Locks Heath

Name Time Out Childcare Locks Heath
Address Locks Heath County Junior School, Warsash Road, Southampton, SO31 9NZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children clearly show they enjoy their time at the club.

They settle swiftly and know the expectations that staff have for them. Children know to wash their hands as they arrive at the club, for example, and where to store their belongings. Staff are kind and caring, offering children cuddles for comfort and reassurance.

This helps children to feel safe and secure. Children show they are pleased to see their familiar adults from the club at the end of their busy school day. They share news about their day and staff listen attentively to what children say.

Staff readily help children to organise their belongings an...d offer a kindly hand to hold as they walk back to the club base. Children's safety is paramount and staff are vigilant in making sure everyone is safe as they walk. All children have a good understanding of the club rules.

They share these with visitors to the club. For instance, children remind them to keep the fire exits clear. Staff are positive role models for children, communicating effectively as a team.

Children behave well and use good manners.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has clear aims for children that they are happy and enjoy their time at the club. She ensures children's voices are listened to by staff.

For instance, staff ask children to make decisions about what activities and resources they would like. This helps children to feel that they have choice and a say in the running of the club.Staff provide children with plenty to do and lots of choice.

They know what children like to do and make sure favourite resources and activities are readily available. This helps to ensure that children are engaged and busy at the club.Children enjoy taking part in activities that staff plan to engage and motivate them after school.

For example, they make frisbees to play with energetically outdoors. Children benefit from opportunities to be able to play in the fresh air.Older children are caring towards younger children.

For instance, they read stories to younger children and play with them, involving them in their games. Parents report that siblings enjoy being able to spend time together after school, playing at the club.The provider ensures children have a range of nutritious snacks to choose from after school.

Snack time is a social time, and children sit and chat to their friends. However, snack time takes staff a long time to organise. The provider recognises this and is working with staff to help them support children to have more time to play.

Staff support children's self-esteem well. For instance, they offer children plenty of praise and encouragement as they play. Children show they feel proud of their achievements, such as by showing off their dough aliens and pictures they colour.

Children are valued by staff. They encourage children to listen to each other and share what they know. For instance, older children share with younger children the rules of games.

Staff praise and thank older children for their help. They display children's completed craft projects and value their achievements at school and home. Staff support and build children's emotional well-being effectively.

Staff build positive partnerships with school and parents. They are effective communicators. They work closely with parents and school staff to ensure they all take the same approach when supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

This helps to ensure children have high levels of continuity for their care.The provider supports staff to develop their skills, such as through regular training opportunities. She encourages staff to build on their knowledge, actively supporting them to continue their professional development.

Staff say this helps them to grow in confidence and raises their awareness of how best to support children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Locks Heath Infant School Locks Heath Junior School CM Sports After School Club

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