Toddington Childcare

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About Toddington Childcare

Name Toddington Childcare
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. George’s Lower School, Manor Road, Toddington, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 6AJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CentralBedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and motivated to learn during their time at nursery. They access a broad range of experiences through a well-sequenced curriculum.

All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are well prepared for their next stage in learning. Children develop the foundations needed to make healthy choices later in life. They take part in a toothbrushing activity daily.

This helps to ensure that children develop good oral health habits and minimises the risk of tooth decay. They confidently identify healthy and unhealthy foods. Children show that they thoroughly enjoy thei...r time at nursery.

This is evident through their eagerness to start their day. Children form good friendships with one another. They learn to respect, share and take turns.

Children behave well and staff support children to begin to understand and regulate their own feelings and emotions. For instance, they use picture cards to help children communicate their needs. Children settle well, and those who are new to the nursery quickly adjust to the environment.

Children benefit from the attention of kind and caring staff. They have their care needs met by staff who know them well. Children and staff have positive relationships that enable children to seek comfort when they need it.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff establish strong relationships with families from the start. They conduct home visits and encourage children to spend time at the pre-school prior to starting. This helps staff to develop a good understanding of children's early experiences and interests.

From this, staff plan learning opportunities to meet the needs of all children, and this helps children to settle in.The manager monitors staff's practice. The manager asks the staff questions to check their knowledge and to encourage them to reflect on their practice.

Staff benefit from regular supervision and staff meetings, where they can share ideas and discuss any concerns.Children take part in a range of activities that sustain their interests. Toddlers explore dry porridge.

They retell the story of three little bears by playing with teddy bears and bowls. The children scoop the porridge up with spoons and staff ask 'is it hot?' and the children pretend to blow their porridge.Staff are skilled at planning the curriculum for the children.

However, they do not always consider the impact of the noisy environment on children's learning. For example, at group story time, the children raise their voices in excitement. Consequently, some children become unsettled which impacts on their ability to listen, focus and concentrate Mealtimes and snack times across the nursery are positive and enjoyable experiences for children.

For instance, the children sit at age-appropriate tables and chairs. Staff are remarkable at challenging older children's learning through expert questioning. This encourages children to enjoy the benefits of a social environment and engage with each other, as well as enjoying nutritious food.

Children are motivated to learn. They confidently select resources and speak and listen to others in small groups. Children learn about self-care as they start to recognise when they need to be changed.

They learn to drink water from a cup when they are thirsty and serve their own food. As the move to school gets closer, children practise getting changed for physical education and start to write their name.All staff are very knowledgeable about the children.

They demonstrate the children's stage of development, interests, likes and dislikes in detail. They use this information well to engage children in learning. For example, they explore their forest-school area to support children's curiosity.

In the garden, children do not have enough space to move freely during physical activities. This includes moving around on wheeled toys, resulting in accidents occurring when garden resources are poorly organised.Children with SEND have good levels of support.

Staff work with families and other professionals to make sure that the children's needs are met.There is good partnership working with other agencies and professionals to ensure that children's care, well-being and support needs are swiftly supported. Staff provide parents with updates about their child's achievements.

Parents and carers talk about the progress their children receive to help close gaps in their development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff demonstrate a good understanding of safeguarding procedures and a policy is in place.

This includes the steps to follow in the event of an allegation being made against staff. Staff attend regular training to ensure their safeguarding knowledge is kept up to date. Important safeguarding information is clearly displayed in the setting for staff to access if necessary.

Staff have a good understanding of the possible indicators of abuse and how to identify any signs that children and families may be exposed to extreme views or behaviours. The manager ensures that the setting remains safe and secure for children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of the outdoor area to enable children to have equally high-quality experiences outdoors as those of the indoor learning environment review the organisation of group story times so all children can listen, concentrate and focus.

Also at this postcode
Toddington St George Church of England School Premier Care TSG

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