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Cornerstone C Of E (Aided) Primary School, Bluebell Way, Whiteley, Fareham, PO15 7QE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff know children well and use this knowledge to prioritise their emotional well-being.
For example, staff make themselves available for children who may need extra support on arrival. They take time to offer reassurance and comfort, helping children feel safe, secure and ready to learn. Children form meaningful friendships with their peers.
They listen and consider each other's opinions and help each other to complete tasks. Children demonstrate high levels of confidence and a secure sense of belonging as they excitedly show the inspector their play spaces.Children develop early literacy skills through good-quality ...interactions and activities.
For example, children enjoy exploring magnetic letters. They study each letter intently and name those that are familiar to them. Children start to recognise when they have more than one of the same letter in their name.
Staff model the initial sound that links to each letter and repeat these to support children's speech development and pronunciation. This helps children make connections between text and meaning, preparing them for future reading. Children develop positive attitudes towards their learning.
Staff provide children with support and encouragement as they encounter problems within their play. For example, some children become very upset when a track they have built with bricks separates during play. Staff respond with a calm and reassuring approach, validating children's feelings of frustration and helping them find solutions.
Children and staff work together to close the gaps. This helps children learn to manage setbacks effectively.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff create a curriculum that reflects children's individual needs and captures their interests.
They monitor children's progress closely and adapt the curriculum to close any emerging gaps swiftly. For instance, staff provide additional activities that promote children's gross motor development. This helps children, including those who do not otherwise have access to outside space, develop the skills they will need to be successful learners.
As a result, all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who speak English as an additional language, make steady progress from their starting points.Leadership and management are effective. Managers and staff work seamlessly together.
Managers use supervision, monitoring arrangements and team meetings effectively to build staff's knowledge and skills over time. Staff feel valued and comment positively on the support they receive from managers and colleagues. This is reflected in the quality of teaching and interactions.
Staff support children to learn about the world around them through their senses. For instance, while playing with the play dough, children explore textures through touch. They identify that the play dough has a 'slippery' texture.
Staff help children think critically and consider which ingredient might have made the play dough feel this way. Children learn that the oil is responsible and reflect on how this leaves their hands feeling 'soft'.Children develop their mathematics skills as they 'excavate' numbered dinosaur feet from a tray of sand and straw.
They use paintbrushes and tools to wipe away debris and reveal the number. Children have a go at putting the numbered feet in sequence while counting to the value of 10. This helps children develop the knowledge they will need for their next stage in learning.
Overall, children behave well. They show kindness and respect for one another and develop their listening skills as they follow instructions with ease. Although children respect the rules, staff do not consistently provide explanations as to why these are in place.
For instance, staff swiftly address unsafe practice, such as children walking around the room with scissors. However, they do not always provide consistent explanations to help children understand the impact some choices may have on their safety.Staff promote children's independence by teaching them the skills they need to complete tasks by themselves.
This helps to prepare them well for their next stage in learning, including their eventual move to school. For instance, children use cutters and knives as they prepare snack for their friends. They learn how to use tools safely as they chop and slice strawberries, bananas and tomatoes.
Children use tongs to serve themselves and clear their plate when finished.Partnership working is effective. Staff provide parents with regular information and updates on the progress children make as well as what they need to learn next.
This helps to provide children with a consistent approach between home and pre-school. Parents report that their children thoroughly enjoy the time they spend at pre-school and the strong attachments they make with their key person. Staff work well with other professionals to share expertise and information, putting the child at the heart of what they do.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide children with clear explanations as to why rules are important, helping them to make good and safe decisions within their play.