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About Willows Before & After School at St Andrews
Willows Before & After School at St Andrews
St. Andrews C of E Junior School, Sand Street, Soham, ELY, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5AA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children feel welcome at the club.
Staff collect children from their classrooms, making sure they feel safe and secure. Children chat about their day, showing how comfortable and relaxed they feel. A good selection of resources is set out for children on arrival, allowing them to make choices about their play after a busy day at school.
Children are confident to ask staff for help or request additional resources. Staff know about children's interests, which helps them to plan and provide appropriate activities. For example, they set out a sand tray for children to explore.
Children enjoy hunting for buried objects... and take turns to fetch water to mix in the sand. They have great fun adding water and discussing the consistency, remarking that it is 'sloppy'. Children form close and trusting relationships with staff, who are positive role models for children.
They encourage good manners, turn taking and sharing. Children behave well and listen attentively to staff's instructions and requests. They respond positively to routines and boundaries, to keep themselves and others safe.
Children have strong social skills, treating others with kindness and respect. They demonstrate this during the session, when they help each other to tidy up and say please and thank you to staff.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children play in a safe environment.
Staff deploy themselves well to help children as they play. They communicate effectively as a team, ensuring children are always supported by a familiar adult. Staff find innovative ways to support children's emotional well-being.
For example, children can tell their concerns to 'Bob the worry monster', which gives them the opportunity to talk about things that are important to them.Staff have established a good working relationship with the host school, and they talk to teachers regularly to exchange key information. They find out about children's time at school.
This helps staff to plan activities that complement children's learning.Children are engaged and settled. They have good opportunities to relax and develop their social skills as they interact with others.
Children work together to create a den from a sheet and furniture. They have fun playing games and telling stories to each other. Children thoroughly enjoy creative activities, making Christmas crafts and adding festive ingredients into hot chocolate cones to take home.
Partnerships with parents are good and they say they are kept well informed about their child's experiences. Parents comment that staff are very friendly and approachable and their child looks forward to their time at the club. Staff find out about children's needs and interests.
They exchange information with parents about children's activities and their time spent at the club.Staff are consistent in managing children's behaviour. They remind children of expectations and offer praise when children behave well.
Staff get down to children's level to give explanations and discuss the implications of their actions. This helps children learn how to modify their behaviour, so they develop good relationships with their friends. At times, the noise levels rise when some of the older children become boisterous.
However, this did not have a negative impact on children during the inspection.Children enjoy a range of healthy foods for snack and tea, such as fruit, vegetables, and cheese wraps. Staff encourage children to be independent, and they eagerly have a go at making their own wraps.
Children understand the importance of following good hygiene routines. They wash their hands as soon as they arrive at the club without the need for reminders from the staff.The manager is well organised, which helps ensure the club is run efficiently.
Leaders monitor staff practice and arrange supervision meetings to discuss any issues or to plan training opportunities. Staff say that they are happy working at the club and feel very well supported in their role.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good knowledge of how to protect children from harm and safeguard their welfare. They know the possible signs of abuse and neglect. Staff regularly complete training to refresh their understanding.
They understand the procedures to follow to report any concerns they may have about children in their care. Robust recruitment and vetting arrangements are in place, which helps to ensure that staff working with children are suitable for their role. Staff carry out daily checks and risk assessments to ensure that the premises remain safe and secure.