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About Woodcross & Manor Playgroup and Breakfast Club
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children really enjoy the time they spend in this setting.
They receive a warm, friendly welcome from happy staff when they arrive. Staff put careful thought into the activities they provide, taking account of children's interests and ideas. Children make their own choices about what they would like to do or explore from the wide range of resources available to them.
They are motivated to learn. Children benefit from opportunities to develop their social interactions and form positive relationships with others. Older children in breakfast club help younger ones to play board games.
Children in playgroup furthe...r benefit from the large outdoor play area they share with the school nursery. Children of all ages mix and play happily together. They build relationships with their peers and become familiar with other adults.
Children understand and follow routines. They know what to do next, such as when to tidy away. Transitions between activities are well managed.
Children understand that some rules are necessary. For example, they know not to run inside. Children learn ways to manage risks and keep themselves safe as they play.
They are polite and show consideration and respect for others. There are high expectations for behaviour in the setting. As a result, behaviour is excellent.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The atmosphere in the well-managed breakfast club is very calm and children are happy to attend. The activities on offer are a good mix of those children have requested, and children's interests. Mark-making opportunities and books are always available as children often choose these.
The broad range of activities are suitable for children's different ages and stages of development. There is a real purposeful buzz in the room.Staff engage purposefully in children's play.
They ask open questions that encourage children to make predictions, such as 'How many bricks do you think we will need to make the tower as tall as you?' Children are encouraged to think and respond as they play.Staff model language well to children. Children are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary throughout the day.
For example, when children get glue on their fingers, staff ask questions, such as 'How does that feel?' and 'Is it sticky?' Children also enjoy sharing books, songs and stories with adults. Children's vocabulary is extended. They learn new words as they take part in activities.
Children benefit from meaningful learning experiences. Staff use their knowledge of the children to plan engaging activities. For example, children enjoy a 'car wash' as they learn about numbers and counting.
Children identify coins and count the wheels and seats on the vehicles. They relate activities to their own experiences.Children's personal care and hygiene needs are met.
However, children do not always have a chance to practise or learn new skills that will help them to become more independent, such as handwashing and dressing. For example, staff encourage children to put their coats on before going outside but offer help too quickly. Staff wash children's hands for them.
Children do not always have enough chance to practise or learn the skills they need to become increasingly independent.This is a well-run provision with a strong staff team. Staff say they feel valued and supported by leaders and managers.
Leaders and managers hold regular discussions with the staff team about their curriculum and practice. They are continually striving to improve their provision to benefit the children. Leaders and managers ensure that staff take advantage of available training to deepen their professional knowledge and further improve their practice.
Parents say that they are extremely happy with the setting. They say that staff understand and listen to the needs of children and their families. Parents say that staff make sure children's needs are met.
Staff and parents communicate with each other regularly. Parents are kept well informed about their children's progress. They are also told about things that are happening in the setting, such as an Easter bonnet competition and parade.
Leaders and managers understand the importance of ensuring all families have equal access to information. This includes those whose first language is not English.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There are robust measures in place to keep children safe and staff place high priority on children's welfare and safety. The premises are safe and secure. All staff carry out regular risk assessments and safety checks to ensure the premises remain suitable.
Leaders carry out suitability checks for all staff. All staff have completed recent safeguarding and paediatric first-aid training. Staff understand their role and responsibility in protecting children from harm.
They know what to do if they are concerned about a child's safety. This includes who to contact in the setting and a knowledge of local safeguarding procedures.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop opportunities for children to practise or learn the skills they need to become increasingly independent in managing their own personal needs.