Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children’s Centre

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About Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children’s Centre

Name Woodlands Park Nursery School & Children’s Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address 74-86 Woodlands Park Road, London, N15 3SD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The well-established, experienced and close-knit team of managers and staff successfully fulfil the highest of expectations for all children. They create a vibrant, inspiring environment, indoors and outdoors, and expertly plan an engaging curriculum that ignites children's curiosity and thirst for learning.

They strive to constantly enhance all areas of practice to the highest possible level. Staff successfully provide opportunities to children that they may not experience at home. For example, children explore different smells in the mud kitchen with herbs and citrus fruit, and take part in yoga and music sessions.
The enormous room gives children ample opportunities for exploration. Staff are highly attentive and support children as they play, guiding and encouraging them to use their thinking skills. They offer space for children to develop their creativity and imagination in new and interesting ways.

For instance, children make pictures in the garden with natural materials and others explore heuristic play in the sensory room. Children's growing independence is firmly supported as they make choices about their play and carry out tasks for themselves. Young children demonstrate that they feel extremely safe and secure in the setting.

They are confident to access resources and move freely both inside and outside. If they need reassurance, they seek out their key person and enjoy a warm embrace. Children behave exceedingly well and there is a harmonious and busy atmosphere within the room.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders set ambitious goals and staff demonstrate a drive and passion for their work. Self-evaluation is highly accurate and focuses sharply on continually improving outcomes for the children. All staff reflect continuously on their work and swiftly put in place improvements and changes which have a positive impact on children's learning.

Gaps in children's learning close rapidly and outcomes for all children are excellent.Team morale is high. Staff talk with enthusiasm for their work.

They feel exceedingly well supported by the senior management team and demonstrate that their emotional well-being is a high priority. Staff attend a wide range of carefully targeted training opportunities to build on their knowledge and understanding. For example, some staff have recently returned from a trip to Denmark to explore learning outside and have already implemented some changes to their outside space.

The curriculum is embedded securely and consistently across all areas of learning. The dedicated staff have an excellent balance of children's interests and adult-led planning within it. Staff work extremely well to understand and value all children's individual needs and learning styles.

They meticulously plan suitably challenging activities that build on the knowledge and skills that children have. They ensure that all children make the best possible progress in their learning. The management and staff team have very high expectations for all children.

Staff skilfully interact with children. The quality of teaching is superb. Staff place high importance on promoting children's communication skills.

For example, they encourage young children to sing along during 'island time' and they engage in lively conversation as they play. Young children focus and concentrate extremely well.Children form exceedingly strong bonds with their key person and other children in their 'family' group'.

Home visits ensure children are well known to staff before they start and bonds with families are quickly established and well maintained. Parents have ample opportunities to talk to staff about their children's progress and they share information daily. Children's emotional well-being is at the heart of staff's practice.

Parents talk about the nursery with enthusiasm. They say they 'cannot recommend it highly enough' and 'do not have a bad word to say'. Parents cherish the experiences their children are having and say that children are exceedingly well prepared for their future learning, especially their social skills, confidence and self-esteem.

Despite their young age, children are remarkably well behaved. They are highly motivated in their learning, are resilient and develop can-do attitudes. Children play cooperatively together, share and take turns.

For example, younger children listen and respond well when older children explain about why it is dangerous to climb on furniture.Children are active and benefit from superb opportunities to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. For instance, they have free-flow access to outside spaces throughout the day.

The outdoor area is extremely well resourced. There are a wide range of opportunities on offer for all children to take part in physical challenges and learn to manage their own safety.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Children's safety is a priority and deeply embedded into daily practice. Staff are extremely vigilant and ensure that the environment is safe and secure. They have an extremely secure understanding of their role in safeguarding children, and know what to do should they be worried about the welfare or safety of a child.

The management and staff team respond rapidly to support vulnerable children and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They ensure that the needs of all children are met and exceptionally well supported. Parents give high praise for the wealth of professional services which the nursery has easy access to from within the children's centre.

Also at this postcode
Woodlands Park Nursery School and Childrens Centre Woodlands Park Under 2’s

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