Woodlands Pre School & Nursery (Purfleet-on-Thames)
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About Woodlands Pre School & Nursery (Purfleet-on-Thames)
Woodlands Pre School & Nursery (Purfleet-on-Thames)
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children clearly enjoy their time spent at the nursery.
They develop warm relationships with their key persons and the staff team as a whole. Children enjoy taking part in a wide range of opportunities that help develop their physical skills. They have fun as they take measured risks as part of play.
They enthusiastically dig for dinosaur bones, skilfully peel and cut up fruit and vegetables as part of imaginary play. Children carefully turn nuts and bolts and balance on beams.All children benefit from regular story time and singing sessions.
For example, toddlers develop their communication and language skill...s as they venture on a 'bear hunt'. Staff remind them about the different words used in the book and help them learn about positional language in context. For example, 'over, under' and 'through'.
Babies enjoy cuddles with staff, who are attentive to their needs. Behaviour is good. Older children are very sociable and build strong friendships.
They play cooperatively during role-play activities and giggle and laugh together as they take part in a yoga session.Children are developing skills that support their independence. They select toys and manage their personal care needs well.
Children develop a positive attitude towards the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Older children confidently help themselves to drinks when they are thirsty and young children have a go at feeding themselves.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management and staff team have made significant improvements since the last inspection.
The managers lead their staff team very well and create a highly positive atmosphere for their well-being and progression. Together, they reflect closely on practice and continually strive for improvement.Staff provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum.
Activities are matched with children's interests and next steps in learning. Staff plan adult-led activities, such as digging for dinosaur bones and leaf printing using paints. This helps children to develop their handling skills and to learn how to use tools.
Staff interact well with children and motivate them to learn. However, on occasion, they miss opportunities to extend and challenge some younger children's learning.Managers and staff ensure the nursery is safe and secure.
They make good use of risk assessment to help identify and minimise any hazards within the environment.Staff work closely with parents and other professionals involved in children's care. They regularly liaise with them to seek advice, review children's progress and set them learning and development goals.
All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those learning English as an additional language, make good progress from their starting points.Staff are good role models, who provide effective support that helps children develop good social skills. For example, they teach children to listen carefully to each other and consider each other's interests and feelings.
Children who are in receipt of additional funding are supported well. They are developing skills for future learning, including starting school.All children, including those who need some extra support in their development, benefit from time spent in the calming, sensory room.
It provides them with a quieter environment for one-to-one and small group activities.Staff support children's communication and language well. They model words and simple sentences clearly for babies, who respond confidently through gestures, sounds and words.
Toddlers enjoy listening to stories and join in with the parts they know. Pre-school children use a wide range of vocabulary. For example, during a yoga session they ask to do the 'downward dog' position.
Staff teach mathematics well. They engage children in problem solving, comparing and counting objects as they play. They enjoy using scales to measure how much different objects weigh.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of the procedures to follow if they have concerns regarding a child's welfare. They are regularly trained to ensure that their skills and knowledge are kept up to date.
Risk assessments and safeguarding policies are detailed and robust, to inform practice. Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of how to identify if a child is at risk of harm. They follow comprehensive procedures when recording accidents, including any pre-existing injuries.
They are familiar with the whistle-blowing policy and safeguarding procedures for reporting allegations. The manager is aware of local safeguarding issues and how to identify and follow procedures to support vulnerable children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make the most of all opportunities and experiences that arise to extend and challenge younger children's learning.