All Saints’ CofE Nursery and Primary School N20

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About All Saints’ CofE Nursery and Primary School N20

Name All Saints’ CofE Nursery and Primary School N20
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Jane Corkill
Address 116 Oakleigh Road North, Whetstone, London, N20 9EZ
Phone Number 02084452951
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 227
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Pupils make good progress over time to reach standards in reading, writing and mathematics that are above average by the end of Year 2. Pupils achieve well from their different starting points in Key Stage 2.

In 2014 Year 6 pupils reached above average standards. Pupils have made strong gains in mathematics in the past year because of changes the school has introduced. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve in Key Stages 1 and 2.

Marking shows pupils what they do well and how they can improve their work. Pupils' behaviour is outstanding as they have extremely positive attitudes to learning. They are cared for very wel...l and feel completely safe in school.

The new headteacher has made an impressive start in improving the school and in working successfully with staff, parents, governors and pupils. The governing body knows the school well and provides a good level of support and challenge. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Too few pupils exceed expected progress in writing by the end of Year 6 because they have not had sufficient opportunity to write at length or in depth.

Handwriting is not consistently joined or legible. The early years requires improvement because : there is not enough emphasis on what children will learn. Early years children are not always challenged enough, especially the most able, and they do not develop the writing skills they need for Year 1.

Information about this school

The school is larger than the average-sized primary school. There are two classes of Year 1 pupils. Pupils are from a range of minority ethnic groups.

An above average proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language but few are at the early stages of learning the language. The proportion of pupils supported by the pupil premium (additional funding which in this school supports pupils known to be eligible for free school meals) is below average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs supported at school action plus, or with a statement of special educational needs, is below average.

Several are on the autistic spectrum. At the time of the inspection, the headteacher had been in post less than four weeks. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' progress and attainment by the end of Key Stage 2.

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