Ark Brunel Primary Academy

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About Ark Brunel Primary Academy

Name Ark Brunel Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Sean Scott
Address Middle Row, London, W10 5AT
Phone Number 02089694094
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 226
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is ambitious for its pupils and what they can achieve. In 2023, pupils in key stage 2 achieved above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.

The outcomes for mathematics in key stage 1 were also above the national average. The school is continually reviewing and improving its curriculum for other subject areas. It is determined for pupils to achieve high standards in every subject.

Pupils have a very clear understanding of the 'Heart Values' that are at the core of their school. Staff encourage pupils to value diversity and appreciate differences through their application of the Rights Respecting School Award. This helps pupils to have a s...trong understanding of the importance of equality and fairness.

The school prepares pupils thoroughly for life in modern Britain. This includes a deep understanding of different types of families and the protected characteristics. Pupils speak confidently and are keen to share their views and opinions.

The school has been through a recent period of turbulence as the school moves to manage falling pupil numbers on roll. This includes numerous changes to staffing. Typically, most pupils behave well though the school continues to work on establishing a strong culture of positive working relationships across all areas of the school.

Leaders have managed recent changes effectively with support from the trust.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a broad and balanced curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. Leaders have identified the knowledge that pupils should learn in all subjects.

Learning has been organised so that subject content builds in a logical order. For example, from early years and through the rest of the school pupils are taught how to become confident mathematicians.

Teachers have had training which has improved their subject knowledge and enables them to deliver the planned curriculum effectively.

Teachers ensure that pupils get time to practise new learning, which helps them to build fluency. This is especially the case in science and mathematics. The school acknowledges there is more work to be done in some subjects to check pupils' recall of the most important content and to refine how staff use this information to inform teaching.

Leaders prioritise reading. Children start to learn phonics as soon as they enter the Reception class. Staff use a consistent, highly effective approach to teaching pupils to read.

Pupils read books that are closely matched to the sounds they know. They benefit from lots of opportunities to practise the sounds that they have learned. All pupils, including those who are at the earliest stages of learning to read, quickly acquire the knowledge and skills needed to tackle new and more challenging words.

There are many pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the school and they are well supported. In lessons, teachers and support staff make sure that pupils with SEND access the same education as their peers. This includes pupils with complex communication needs, who attend the additionally resourced provision.

The school is in the process of changing this resource base and have employed specialist support to help further develop the provision.

The school's personal development offer is broad and rich. Through assemblies, outings and numerous visitors to school, staff teach pupils about the wider world and diversity.

The school wants all pupils to benefit from a wide range of opportunities. For example, recently pupils have visited the Imperial War Museum, been on a university trip and had a visit from a marine biologist. In Nursery, children went to a local supermarket.

Leaders have significantly changed the school-wide approach to behaviour. They have a clear vision to ensure that all staff understand the school's expectations. Most pupils behave well in lessons.

A few pupils have specific difficulties with controlling their emotions, but they are supported well. For example, the school offers additional support outside of the classroom if pupils need a sensory break. However, disruptions to lessons occur more frequently than the school would like.

Some staff in school do not feel well supported in dealing with the most challenging behaviours and there is sometimes a lack of clarity around the behaviour procedures used.

The school has recently changed the way it checks and monitors attendance. They are now doing much more to prioritise attendance.

For example, the school involves a range of agencies to support families. Most pupils attend well. However, a small number of pupils are still persistently absent and remain an ongoing focus for the school.

Governors and trustees have a strong knowledge of the school from evaluating a range of information. They know what the school is doing well and what the priorities are. The school's recent changes to systems and procedures are not fully embedded across the school.

This limits the consistency of staff following the school's aspirations.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has recently introduced systems and procedures to improve the school, but these are not fully understood or embedded by all staff.

This leads to inconsistencies in how well the school's aspirations are consistently followed and embedded. The school should ensure that work on embedding these changes continues so that the vision is realised through strong, shared values, policies, and practice. ? Expectations of pupils' behaviour and conduct are not fully understood and followed by staff across the school.

This means that the school's intended behaviour systems are not consistently implemented, which leads to disruption to learning. Some pupils display challenging behaviour which some staff feel unsupported to deal with effectively. The school should ensure that all staff feel well supported and are confident in managing behaviour consistently.

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