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About Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School & Nursery
Pupils at Priestthorpe are happy. They enjoy coming to school and speak highly of their teachers.
Many pupils are positive about their experience at school. Pupils learn to contribute to their community and how to be active citizens.
Most pupils behave well.
They are courteous and polite towards each other, and adults. Pupils respond positively to the high expectations that adults have of them. Pupils feel that the school is a safe place to be.
They understand what bullying is. Bullying is rare and always gets dealt with appropriately by adults.
Pupils appreciate having additional responsibilities and leadership roles.
Play leaders ...support younger pupils at playtime and lunchtime. School councillors take their responsibilities seriously and have a strong commitment to environmental issues. These opportunities prepare pupils well to be positive citizens of the future.
The vast majority of pupils demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. They are understanding of the differences between people. In lessons, pupils listen and respond sensitively to the opinions of others.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have focused on developing an ambitious curriculum. They have identified what they want pupils to learn and when. Pupils follow a curriculum that builds progressively over time.
For example, in art, pupils develop knowledge of shading and colour-mixing by revisiting topics in different years. They produce artwork of high quality. Teachers have good subject knowledge.
They design lessons that follow a sequence which helps to develop and secure pupils' knowledge. Teachers regularly check where pupils have gaps in their knowledge. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well.
There is no less ambition for these pupils.
The curriculum in the early years prepares children well for the next stage of their education. Leaders provide opportunities for children to learn independently.
Adults interact purposefully with children. Relationships are positive. Children behave well and learn the routines of school.
They cooperate, learn together and share resources. Adults use a range of strategies to ensure that children develop their vocabulary and communication skills.
Leaders have prioritised reading.
They have introduced a structured programme for the teaching of phonics. This programme is used consistently by teachers who are well trained in the teaching of early reading. Children in Reception begin to learn to read straight away.
When pupils struggle or slip behind with reading, they are quickly identified and supported to catch up. For a small number of pupils, the books that they read are not well matched to the sounds that they are learning. This limits how well some pupils develop fluency in reading.
The curriculum for personal, social and health education ensures that pupils learn about how to live healthy lives and about healthy relationships. Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils understand about the diversity that exists in modern Britain. Themed assemblies and lessons help pupils to learn about diversity, equality and protected characteristics.
Many pupils express empathy for those that are different to themselves. However, occasionally, some pupils use sexist language on the playground.
Leaders plan for pupils to have experiences that enhance the curriculum.
Pupils attend visits to interesting places and go on residential trips. There are a number of extra-curricular clubs that pupils attend. These include sports clubs.
However, leaders have not considered how they can make these clubs easily accessible to all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged. Leaders do not monitor how well these clubs are attended and are unsure if all pupils have access to these wider opportunities.
Leaders benefit from expert support from the trust.
Investment in professional development for staff has improved staff subject knowledge. Leaders are mindful of staff well-being and workload and ensure that staff get the time and support that they need to do their job well. Members of the trust and the local school committee understand their roles and their responsibilities.
They share the strong ambitions of school leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have established a strong culture of safeguarding.
Staff receive regular, timely training. They are aware of the signs that pupils may be at risk of harm. Staff report concerns whenever they arise.
Leaders enlist the support of outside agencies in support for vulnerable pupils.
Pupils insist that the school is a safe place to be. They learn about how to keep themselves safe, including when using technology.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• For a small number of pupils at the early stage of learning to read, the books they read are not well matched to the sounds that they are learning. This sometimes limits pupils' ability to use their knowledge of phonics to read fluently. Leaders should ensure that the books pupils read are well matched to the sounds that pupils are learning.
• Leaders have not ensured that extra-curricular activities are accessible to all pupils. As a result, some pupils are unable to access some opportunities to develop their talents and interests. Leaders should ensure that all pupils can access extra-curricular clubs and activities.
• A small number of pupils use sexist language. This means that some pupils feel uncomfortable at playtimes. Leaders should ensure that pupils understand that sexist language is unacceptable in modern Britain.