Benton Dene Primary School

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About Benton Dene Primary School

Name Benton Dene Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss A Lawrence
Address Hailsham Avenue, Longbenton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE12 8FD
Phone Number 01914661818
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 472
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key Findings

This is an outstanding school. Until recently the rate of progress pupils made in writing lagged behind the outstanding progress they make in reading, mathematics and science.

The programmes put in place by the school to improve the teaching of writing are proving to be extremely successful and as a result, achievement in writing is rapidly improving. Parents and carers greatly value what this school achieves for their children. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted exceptionally well through an innovative and creative curriculum.

Pupils make outstanding progress in lessons for reading, mathematics, science and information and communication technology (ICT) and most lessons for writing. Achievement over time is good rather than outstanding, because this acceleration in rates of progress in writing is recent. Attainment for pupils in the current Year 6 is above average overall in English and mathematics.

Pupils with speech and language difficulties achieve exceptionally well. Teaching is outstanding. It is imaginative and activities are tailored to the learning needs of all pupils.

Teachers are highly skilled in teaching pupils with speech and language difficulties. Teaching of writing has improved and is now of a high quality; the school is aware that new strategies need to be embedded fully to ensure that recent improvements are maintained over time. In reading, mathematics, science and ICT lessons, teaching is challenging and expectations of pupils are high.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage teachers are adept at allowing children to run with their interests and this successfully motivates them to learn. Behaviour and safety are outstanding. Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes to learning.

They feel very safe and valued at school. They are adept at assessing risks and adopting safe practices. Their attendance is above average.

Monitoring of performance by leaders is rigorous and incisive. It leads to speedy, decisive and highly effective action to improve teaching and raise pupils' achievement. The management of performance is exceptionally effective in providing targeted professional development to equip teachers to improve their teaching.

Highly effective practice is fully and firmly embedded in all classes.

Information about the school

This larger than average primary school is co-located on one site with a maintained special school and shares many resources. Opened in a purpose-built building in 2010 it is part of a loose federation with two separate headteachers and governing bodies.

The school has a Communication Support Base which provides for up to 12 pupils with statements of special educational needs for speech and language difficulties. The proportion of pupils supported at School Action Plus or with a statement of special educational needs is above the national average. About a third of the pupils on the special needs register have a speech and language difficulty.

Some of them have an autistic spectrum disorder. Inward mobility is high; about 39% of pupils in the current Year 6 joined the school at different points during Key Stage 2. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is above average.

Most pupils are White British. A few pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds and very few are at an early stage of learning to speak English. There are a few looked after pupils.

The school meets the government's floor standard which sets the minimum expectations for attainment and progress. Childcare is provided on the school site, though this is not managed by the governing body and was inspected separately. The report can be found on the Ofsted website.

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

Also at this postcode
Benton Dene Out of School Club Benton Dene School

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