Bitterne Manor Primary School

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About Bitterne Manor Primary School

Name Bitterne Manor Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mike Adams
Address Quayside Road, Bitterne Manor, Southampton, SO18 1DP
Phone Number 02380227596
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 245
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils strive to achieve the school's ambition of 'learning to be the best we can'.

Through the school's learning values, pupils are supported to think creatively and develop self-confidence. They are encouraged to take pride in their achievements. In lessons, pupils reflect these attributes through their positive attitudes to learning, which help them to achieve well.

Across the school, pupils' conduct is responsible and considerate.

Pupils attend well and enjoy being part of the highly inclusive, diverse school community. They talk about being part of the 'Bitterne Family', where everyone is valued.

This includes the supportive staff, who pupils fe...el they can approach for help at any time. Pupils learn about the importance of kindness. They commonly seek to help others in the smallest of ways.

This is recognised each week when pupils nominate others who have shown the values of 'Kindness Kevin'.

Success is widely celebrated. Weekly assemblies recognise pupils' efforts, achievements and contributions to the school.

Through the Community Award, pupils are challenged to complete a wide range of activities which support the school. They talk enthusiastically about their experiences gardening, performing or helping to run events. Parents and carers value the school's ethos, with one capturing this in saying: 'It's a great place for my child to learn'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum. There is careful consideration of the order in which pupils learn new knowledge across subjects. This begins in early years, where the curriculum builds carefully from children's starting points.

Across core subjects, curriculum thinking deliberately revisits important knowledge that pupils have previously learned. However, this is not the case in some foundation subjects where the focus is on pupils recalling knowledge they have learned recently. Consequently, in these subjects, they remember less of the important knowledge over time.

Teachers' subject knowledge is secure. They use this to explain new ideas accurately. In the early years, staff are highly effective when using their knowledge to develop children's speech and vocabulary.

Across lessons, teachers check pupils' understanding. However, there is variation in how end-of-topic assessments are used to support pupils' future learning. In core subjects, teachers use these assessments to identify and re-teach the knowledge that pupils do not securely understand.

However, in some foundation subjects, this does not happen. As a result, pupils continue to have knowledge gaps in these subjects.

The needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified in individual education plans.

Teaching assistants draw on these to provide effective individual support for pupils with more complex SEND. Most teachers use these plans to adapt their teaching for pupils with SEND. However, some do this less effectively.

Where this happens, some pupils with SEND struggle to apply new learning.

Reading is a strength of the school. From the start of Reception, children benefit from skilful phonics teaching, which helps them become fluent readers.

Any children who struggle with phonics receive prompt additional support so they catch up quickly. Across subjects, pupils read a broad range of diverse texts which capture their imagination. This helps them to develop high levels of enthusiasm for reading independently.

Behaviour is exemplary. Pupils across the school reflect the school's high expectations by consistently acting with courtesy and consideration towards others. This starts in the early years, when children learn important routines which prepare them for Year 1 and beyond.

In lessons, pupils work with high levels of focus. They change between activities without fuss, following teachers' instructions. At playtime, pupils treat the school facilities respectfully.

They willingly share outdoor equipment, happily play games and are mindful that no one is left out. Pupils with more challenging behaviour needs are well supported by the high-quality pastoral care provided by the attentive staff.

Pupils' personal development is prioritised.

The school embraces the local community's diversity. Pupils learn about their different backgrounds, cultures and faiths. This helps them to understand and value modern Britain's multicultural society.

Pupils are encouraged to be curious about the world around them through a range of different experiences. These include themed events, visiting speakers and trips. Pupils' well-being is actively promoted.

They learn how to keep themselves healthy, including practical ways of looking after their mental health. These help pupils develop increasing independence.

The school accurately understands its strengths and where further improvements need to be made.

When changes are made, these are carefully considered, and their impact is closely tracked. Staff feel well supported by the school and appreciate the consideration given to keeping their workload manageable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, pupils do not recall or securely understand previous learning. As a result, they struggle to explain important concepts they have already been taught. The school needs to further develop planning and assessment so that it supports pupils to remember important knowledge over time in all subjects.

In some lessons, teachers do not make effective adaptations for some pupils with SEND. Consequently, these pupils can struggle to apply new learning, which reduces their achievement. The school needs to ensure all staff have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure that adaptations enable all pupils with SEND to learn effectively.

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