Bleak Hill Primary School

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About Bleak Hill Primary School

Name Bleak Hill Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Antony McCoy
Address Hamilton Road, Windle, St Helens, WA10 6HG
Phone Number 01744678190
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 550
Local Authority St. Helens
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish in the caring environment of this happy school. They thoroughly enjoy learning and value their education. Pupils work with tenacity and resilience to meet the ambitious goals that the school sets for them.

They achieve highly.

Pupils build incredibly positive relationships with one another and with staff. In lessons and during social times, pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They listen attentively, show respect and give their utmost when completing work. Classrooms buzz with purposeful learning. Pupils celebrate their poetry and the art that adorns the walls around school with tremendous pride and enthusiasm.

Pupils, including those wit...h special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), participate fully in school life. For instance, the school provides an extensive variety of sports and creative activities. It ensures that pupils have the chance to seize every opportunity to learn something new.

Pupils relish the many opportunities to develop their talents and interests. For example, they take part in a range of clubs, attend career events as part of the science fair and enjoy cooking a wide variety of foods in the outdoors. Pupils leave the school at the end of Year 6 as thoughtful and knowledgeable individuals.

They are extremely well prepared to embrace the challenges of the next stage of their education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is determined to provide an exceptional education for pupils. The school and the governing body work strategically to ensure that this vision is realised in every aspect of its work.

As a result, pupils not only achieve well, but their time at school is filled with rich and memorable experiences.

The school's curriculum is designed around their bespoke approach to learning. This provides a clear and effective structure to how learning will be taught and remembered.

The curriculum is designed with great care to ensure that pupils' understanding of each subject develops securely over time. Consequently, staff know exactly what pupils need to learn and how this connects to their prior and future learning.

Reading is central to the curriculum.

The school prioritises teaching pupils to read. Books are a golden thread that run through each aspect of school life. The phonics programme starts at the beginning of the Reception Year.

The school has ensured that this programme is well ordered and delivered successfully. Pupils learn to read fluently and confidently in readiness for key stage 2. The school has highly effective strategies to identify and support pupils who find learning to read difficult.

Pupils' love of reading shines through. Many pupils are enthused to read new books when they win them from the 'venda-bus'. Older pupils discussed with delight their favourite authors and the different types of books that they enjoy reading.

Pupils said that they are inspired by these authors and use their ideas and vocabulary to powerful effect in their own writing.

Staff have strong expertise across the curriculum. They design inspiring learning that is highly effective in furthering pupils' understanding.

Staff regularly check that pupils understand and can recall what they have been taught. Any misconceptions are addressed swiftly and successfully. In the early years, staff know the children well.

They skilfully develop children's knowledge and vocabulary through targeted interactions and well-designed opportunities for play.

From the early years onwards, the school identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND swiftly. Staff work closely with outside professionals and with parents and carers to provide the right educational support for pupils at the school.

Pupils with SEND learn subject curriculums very well and achieve highly.

The school expects the highest standards of behaviour from pupils. During lessons, pupils are exceptionally well focused on their learning.

They show great care for each other and work together harmoniously. Levels of attendance and punctuality are excellent. Pupils take pride in winning the attendance bears that are presented by pupil 'attendance activists' each week during collective worship.

The programme to promote pupils' personal development has been carefully constructed. Pupils take on leadership roles, such as subject ambassadors and house captains, with great eagerness. They recognise that these opportunities, alongside their learning about diversity and difference, prepare them well for the world outside of the classroom.

The school's rich offer provides the knowledge and skills that pupils need to become successful and active citizens of modern-day Britain.

Great consideration is given to workload and well-being across the school. Staff recognise that the school's leaders prioritise them and ensure that they are well equipped professionally to do their job well.

The governing body provides the school with equal measures of support and challenge. This assists the school to ensure a continual journey of improvement and development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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