Bracebridge Heath St John’s Primary Academy

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About Bracebridge Heath St John’s Primary Academy

Name Bracebridge Heath St John’s Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Jefferson
Address Grantham Road, Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln, LN4 2LD
Phone Number 01522530954
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 378
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud that they attend this school.

They enjoy their learning and being with friends. Pupils say that they feel safe. Pupils know that they can seek help should they need it.

One pupil told inspectors: 'This school is an easy place to make friends. Everyone accepts you for who you are.'

Leaders create a calm and highly positive environment in school.

The school's values permeate its work. Pupils understand the values. Pupils know that they are cared for and that their staff believe in them.

Pupils value the 'peg-up' rewards system for good behaviour.

Pupils respond well to staff's high expectations. Pupils are a credit t...o the school.

Classrooms are calm and purposeful places of learning. Pupils are well mannered and care for each other. Pupils want to do their best.

One pupil told inspectors: 'I learn so much in lessons. The staff really help you to understand the learning.'

Most parents and carers are delighted with the school.

One parent, typical of many, said: 'Leaders are at the gates every day. They deal quickly with any questions or concerns I may have.' Parents value the caring approach of staff and the wider experiences that the school offers.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum. Curriculum thinking begins in the early years. In some subjects, leaders have precisely identified the knowledge pupils should learn.

Where the curriculum is set out clearly in small steps, teachers know what to teach and when. Leaders are refining other areas of the curriculum. In some subjects, leaders have not identified precisely enough the knowledge they want pupils to learn.

In these areas, it is not sufficiently clear what pupils will learn during their time at school.

Teachers have a good knowledge of the subjects they teach. They use questioning effectively.

Many pupils remember what they have learned. For example, pupils recall learning about coding in computing. They can explain that coding creates a set of instructions for computers to follow.

Leaders are reviewing the school's approach to how the curriculum is taught. This is because leaders have identified that on occasions, the teaching of the curriculum does not consistently help pupils to remember more over time. In addition, leaders are developing a consistent approach to teachers checking pupils' learning.

On occasions, teachers' checks do not always establish whether pupils have learned the important knowledge set out in the curriculum.

Since the previous inspection, leaders have ensured that highly trained staff support early readers. Leaders ensure that there is a sharp focus on reading from the moment that pupils join the school in the early years.

There is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. This is helping pupils to read with confidence, accuracy and fluency. Teachers make sure that the books pupils read match the sounds they have learned.

Early readers receive high-quality support if they need to catch up.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders have strengthened systems to ensure that they identify these pupils' needs early.

Leaders use a range of external agencies to ensure that pupils with SEND get the help that they need. Leaders have a clear understanding of what needs to be improved next. Leaders are ensuring that all staff are trained well enough, so they can adapt the curriculum more precisely for pupils with SEND.

While leaders work hard to support vulnerable pupils, some pupils do not attend school as regularly as they should. Leaders are working with pupils and families to provide additional support. However, these pupils miss vital learning and, as a result, do not achieve as well as they could.

Leaders ensure that the curriculum extends well beyond the academic. Pupils' personal development is at the heart of the school's work. Pupils know how to keep fit and eat healthily.

Leaders ensure that all pupils access a range of clubs and extra-curricular activities. Teachers make sure that pupils learn about different types of families and how people from different backgrounds live.

Teachers quickly establish clear routines in the early years.

Pupils are a credit to the school. They behave well and focus during lessons. This means that there is a calm and orderly atmosphere.

Trustees are knowledgeable. They check that leaders are making the right decisions. They offer support and challenge to leaders and staff.

Staff are overwhelmingly positive about leaders and the support that they receive. Leaders work hard to ensure staff's workload is manageable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that safeguarding systems are robust. Staff have relevant training, so they know how to identify any signs of concern. Staff know how to pass their concerns on.

Leaders keep accurate records of safeguarding concerns and incidents. These show that all concerns are recorded and appropriate action is taken. Leaders work closely with safeguarding partners to make sure that pupils and families get the help they need.

The well-planned personnel, social and health education programme develops pupils' understanding of how to recognise inappropriate behaviours, both online and in daily life. Governors monitor and challenge the school's safeguarding work.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Curriculum content and its implementation are not yet consistently strong across all subjects and classes.

As a result, pupils, including those with SEND, may not know and remember more in all areas of the curriculum. Checks on what pupils know and understand are, at times, not linked closely to what leaders and teachers expect pupils to learn. Leaders need to support teachers to further develop curriculum thinking and implement the curriculum in a way that enables pupils to recall essential knowledge securely.

• Rates of persistent absence are high. This means that some pupils miss out on important learning alongside their peers. Leaders should continue to work with parents to secure further improvements in pupils' attendance and a reduction in the number of pupils who are persistently absent.

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