Bream Church of England Primary School

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About Bream Church of England Primary School

Name Bream Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Nicola Brice
Address High Street, Bream, Lydney, GL15 6JW
Phone Number 01594562628
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 147
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to Bream Church of England Primary School. Staff create a safe space to learn. This gives pupils the confidence to talk about their feelings with adults.

Staff foster strong relationships with parents and the local community. Parents enthuse about the school and the journey of improvement. Many describe the school as a place where children blossom and thrive.

The school has significantly improved pupils' behaviour. Staff insist on high standards. Pupils do not let them down.

They respond well to the structures and routines that are in place. This helps to develop aspects of their character, such as care and respect for others.

The... school is determined that all pupils will experience success.

It has markedly improved the curriculum and teaching so that pupils learn, remember and can do more over time.

Pupils are proud advocates for the school. They enjoy taking on responsibilities as digital leaders and library monitors.

Pupils get the chance to attend a range of clubs. These develop their interests and talents, such as choir, den building, computing and sports. Disadvantaged pupils benefit equally from these extra opportunities.

This contributes to an inclusive culture at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since joining the trust in 2021, determined leadership has transformed all aspects of the school's work. Leaders, trustees and local governors have high aspirations for all pupils.

They are united in their drive and ambition for children to flourish and develop into confident and responsible members of the community.

Reading is given the highest priority, starting in early years. Children get off to a secure start.

They learn to read and write the sounds they have been taught. Staff take quick and effective action if anyone falls behind. Pupils read books that match the sounds they know.

This increases their confidence and fluency. The school has well-chosen books that interest pupils and develop a love of reading. Pupils enjoy visiting the library and earning raffle tickets to celebrate their reading achievements.

The drive for continued improvement is why the school has overhauled the curriculum subject by subject. It has mapped out what pupils will learn from Reception to Year 6. Pupils' knowledge progresses in well-defined steps.

For example, younger pupils use their coding skills in computing to create simple programs. When pupils are in Year 6, they can debug complicated codes and control variables. However, in a minority of subjects, the school's work is at an earlier stage of development.

As a result, pupils do not have the same depth of knowledge across all subjects.

Ongoing assessment helps teachers identify pupils with any gaps in their knowledge. Teachers use quizzes and recaps to help embed important knowledge and skills.

Despite this effective work, the school is still working to overcome a legacy of weaker past practice. Published outcomes of the latest key stage 2 mathematics results do not fully reflect the quality of education pupils receive. The school is rightly focusing on closing gaps in older pupils' knowledge.

The school prides itself on its inclusive culture. It has an increasing number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Clear systems are in place to identify pupils' individual needs.

Staff know pupils well. They adapt their teaching and use bespoke approaches and resources that work. Pupils with SEND experience success and learn the curriculum alongside their peers.

Pupils learn without disruption. Working hard in lessons is the norm. The tone is set in early years, where children listen carefully and follow instructions well.

Across the school, well-trained staff provide the right support to meet pupils' social and emotional needs.

Attendance has historically been an issue. It has, however, improved rapidly and is now above the national average.

This is because staff work closely with families to break down barriers to attendance.

The school strives for pupils to be the best they can be. Pupils have many opportunities to broaden their understanding of the world around them.

For example, they take part in singing concerts and visit places of interest such as the Houses of Parliament. Pupils develop strategies for dealing with various situations, including negative thoughts and friendships. The school works closely with local police to promote the importance of staying safe online and in the community.

Pupils play their part in promoting equality and accepting differences. All of this prepares pupils well for their next stages of learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A legacy of weaknesses remains for some groups of pupils in upper key stage 2, particularly in mathematics. As a result, these pupils have gaps in their knowledge. The trust should continue to build on its curriculum improvements and eradicate the legacy of underachievement so that pupils achieve consistently well in all areas.

• Improvements to the curriculum in a few subjects are more recent and need time to embed fully. In these subjects, pupils do not gain the same depth of knowledge as they do in others. The trust needs to ensure that pupils have the same depth of knowledge across all subjects.

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