Briar Hill Primary School & Nursery

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About Briar Hill Primary School & Nursery

Name Briar Hill Primary School & Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Miss Jane Cooksley
Address Thorn Hill, Briar Hill, Northampton, NN4 8SW
Phone Number 01604768392
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 305
Local Authority West Northamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have created a culture of excellence. Staff have high aspirations for all pupils' personal development.

They help them to realise the school's 'broadening horizons' values. These are 'aspiration, ambition, courage' and 'respect'.

Staff are highly ambitious about what pupils can learn.

Pupils aspire to be the very best they can be. All pupils, no matter their background, succeed. They leave the school with the knowledge and skills they need for secondary school.

Staff prepare pupils very well for success in the wider world. They remind pupils of their potential. One pupil, typical of many, said 'If we want to be an engineer, we need to work ha...rd in maths.'

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Staff model respectful and positive relationships. This helps pupils to live up to leaders' expectations.

Pupils are very happy and say that they feel safe. Bullying is rare. If it does happen, leaders do not tolerate it and act quickly to resolve it.

Leaders have designed an enrichment programme that involves all pupils experiencing 'memorable moments'. These moments have links to the arts, music, sport and culture and include trips to the ballet and theatre. Pupils say they are very proud to be a part of their school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have created a curriculum that identifies the precise knowledge pupils should learn and when they should learn it. Pupils study a broad range of subjects.

They develop detailed knowledge of every subject. Many pupils start school with low levels of language and communication skills. Staff and pupils contribute to a culture in which no barrier is too high to be overcome.

All pupils achieve well, including disadvantaged pupils.

Teaching is highly effective and inspires and motivates all pupils. Staff know their pupils well.

All teachers are subject experts. They routinely check pupils' knowledge and understanding. Teachers use their own knowledge of their subjects and pupils' understanding to match learning activities to pupils' abilities, so that they achieve highly.

Pupils develop a sophisticated understanding of the subjects they study. They are able to connect prior and current learning. For example, year 5 pupils can use their understanding of the class system to make comparisons between past and current societies.

Teachers consistently provide pupils with chances to recall previous learning and build their confidence.

Leaders describe reading as the 'beating heart of the school'. They help every pupil to quickly develop their reading speed and comprehension.

This enables all pupils to access the wider curriculum. Leaders provide regular advice and effective training to help staff become experts in teaching phonics. They have created a vocabulary-rich environment.

Pupils enjoy reading for pleasure. Older pupils read complex texts and are well prepared for secondary school.

Children in the early years make an exceptional start to their education.

Teachers prepare them well for year 1. The early years environment is inviting. Teachers deliver stimulating activities to enrich children's learning.

They use the woodland school to provide fun outdoor learning. The children enjoy immersing themselves in this environment. Reception children like listening to adults read to them.

They are able to retell stories with passion and enthusiasm and in their own words.

Staff receive training to support pupils with SEND effectively. Teachers adapt how they teach to ensure that pupils with SEND access the curriculum in full and achieve well.

The support pupils receive helps them to remember what they have learned over time. Pupils with SEND enjoy coming to school.

Leaders say they educate the 'hearts and minds' of all pupils.

Pupils celebrate each other's cultural differences. They are kind to one another and support each other to do well. The enrichment programme is well planned.

All pupils have the same opportunities to develop their talents and interests. Pupils enjoy attending the many after-school clubs. They benefit from taking part in the Shakespeare's schools festival.

Leaders plan regular visits to local universities to raise pupils' aspirations.

Pupils develop their leadership skills by joining the junior leadership team. They can become members of the pupil parliament.

They can act as reading and well-being champions. Pupils care about their community. They know the importance of being an active and responsible citizen.

Leaders communicate with parents and carers regularly and effectively. Leaders ensure that parents have the information they need to support their child's education. The school is very well led.

Everyone works together for the same aim. The trust, governing body and all staff work together in the best interests of all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff know they have a shared responsibility to keep pupils safe. Staff have a thorough understanding of the safeguarding challenges in the local community. Pupils learn about these risks, so they can keep themselves safe.

Leaders quickly identify any pupils who may be at risk of harm. They act on all concerns swiftly. Leaders take time to ensure that pupils and families get the right support.

Pupils feel safe and know that staff help them with any worries they may have. They know how to stay safe when online. Pupils understand the importance of keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy.

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