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This is a good school The headteacher, senior leaders and governors have worked tirelessly to address the areas for improvement identified during the previous inspection.
As a result, the quality of teaching and learning have improved. Governors hold senior leaders stringently to account and have high aspirations for the school, which they know exceptionally well. Pupils.
progress is good and has dramatically improved in recent years, especially in key stage 2. At the end of Year 6 in 2018, pupils made strong progress in writing and mathematics. Their progress in reading was very strong.
Additional funding, including for pupils with special educationa...l needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils, is used effectively. As a result, these pupils make good progress in reading, writing, mathematics and other subjects. Most teaching is good.
However, teachers rarely observe and learn from the best teaching practice in the school. Occasionally, teachers. expectations of pupils.
achievement are not high enough. Pupils love to read. Across the school, their reading skills are very well-developed.
The phonics skills and knowledge of some younger pupils are not as strong as they could be. Children in the early years benefit from excellent indoor and outside learning and playing areas. Most make strong progress in the different areas of learning.
At times, children are not challenged enough to make stronger progress. Pupils. benefit from an interesting and carefully planned curriculum, which secures their engagement and ensures their good progress.
Leaders. work to promote pupils. spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, as well as their appreciation of British values, is good.
Pupils. behaviour is good. Pupils are respectful, well-mannered and appreciative of their excellent school facilities.
Pupils say that they feel safe in school. Attendance is improving but remains below average. The physical education and sport funding is well spent to develop the skills of staff to teach various sporting activities and engage pupils in a broad range of sporting activities.
Most parents and carers are very complimentary about the school. They say that their children are happy, safe and make good progress.
Information about this school
Bridge Hall Primary School is a smaller-than-average school.
Most pupils are of White British heritage. A below-average proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is below average.
The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged is well above average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average, as is the proportion of pupils who have an (EHC) plan. All children in the Reception class attend full-time.
Most children attend the Nursery class on a part-time basis. Several new teachers have been employed since the previous inspection. Both the senior leadership team and governing body have been reorganised.
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