Broad Haven C.P. School

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About Broad Haven C.P. School

Name Broad Haven C.P. School
Address Webbs Hill, Broad Haven, Haverfordwest, SA62 3JT
Phone Number 01437 781404
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 92 (47.8% boys 52.2% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 18.8
Local Authority Pembrokeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Broad Haven C.P.

School is a caring and inclusive school where pupils feel respected and safe. Pupils enjoy school and their behaviour is excellent. They are very proud of the school and the community, and they demonstrate great care and respect for each other.

The staff have a strong sense of teamwork and support each other well. They know pupils and their families well and have positive and trusting relationships with them. Teachers provide a range of interesting and authentic learning experiences and make good use of the local area, such as visits to the beach to engage pupils successfully in their learning.

Staff are good role models and develop pupils' speaking and listening skills rapidly from a young age. A...s a result, most pupils are articulate and engage in thoughtful discussions about their learning. Staff develop pupils reading and number skills effectively and ensure that pupils use these skills effectively in a range of learning activities.

However, provision to develop pupils' writing and digital skills does not ensure that pupils always make the progress of which they are capable in these aspects of their learning. Leaders have engaged positively with parents and the wider community to develop a shared vision for pupils' education and well-being. This underpins the positive and supportive ethos at the school.

Leaders ensure that this ethos extends to staff. Governors are very supportive of the school and are beginning to develop their role as a critical friend. Leaders use a broad range of methods to evaluate the work of the school.

However, this does not always focus enough on improving outcomes for pupils. The school does not meet the requirements for recording pupil attendance. Recommendations R1 Use evaluation processes more effectively to improve pupils' outcomes R2 Improve provision to develop pupils' writing, digital and numeracy skills to ensure that they build and use these skills progressively as they move through the school and make the progress of which they are capable R3 Ensure that the registration of pupils' attendance meets requirements What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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