Broadfield Specialist School

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About Broadfield Specialist School

Name Broadfield Specialist School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Angela Wade
Address Coal Clough Lane, Burnley, BB11 5BT
Phone Number 01282508629
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 206
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Students in all key stages make rapid and sustained progress over time. As they travel through the school, students are consistently well supported to achieve the very best that they can.

Expectations of what students are capable of achieving are exceptionally high and, as a result, students reach their full potential. All staff are experienced and highly trained in different aspects of special needs or specialist subjects. This, along with an exceptionally high level of care ensures students, including those with profound and complex difficulties, achieve extremely well from their starting points.

Support staff are a huge of the school. They are often extremely well trained and focus constantly on students' well-being, personal development and academic achievements. Some students gain outstanding personal achievements due to the targeted support that they receive to unleash their talents in poetry, music, drama, singing and art.

As a result, some students' personal achievements are exceptional. The sixth form provision and leadership is outstanding. Students achieve success in many different areas.

It is innovative in its approach as vocational work placements are wide and varied. All students are encouraged to succeed through an individually tailored approach. Students' behaviour is outstanding and their attitudes are exemplary in all key stages.

Very effective arrangements are in place to ensure all students are safe and all safeguarding requirements are fully met. The headteacher's leadership is outstanding. She constantly ensures that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of the curriculum are embedded across each key stage.

Her sensitive approach yet steely determination results in a strategic and sympathetic drive for as much success as possible for all the staff and students. The very able deputy headteachers have a crystal clear overview of strengths and weaknesses at the school. They are well supported by senior and middle leaders who have a range of diverse skills.

Together, leaders ensure that teaching and students' achievement continue to improve. Governors have a very clear understanding of parental needs and anxieties. They are extremely supportive of the school and challenge leaders to constantly provide exemplary practice for all.

Leaders and governors know that their next steps are to drive forward improvements to the school's physical environment in order to meet the students' increasing demands and complex needs even more closely, especially in the sixth form. The curriculum is particularly well adapted to meet students' needs. Therapy sessions, for example, help to ensure those with sensory needs or physical difficulties achieve exceptionally well.

The innovative `Young Men's Group' supports teenage boys so they are well prepared for modern life.

Information about this school

Broadfield Specialist School caters for students with learning difficulties. The students' special needs range from moderate to profound and often with multiple learning difficulties.

Almost half have autistic spectrum conditions, often in combination with other learning difficulties. All students have a statement of special educational needs. In 2011, there was a considerable reorganisation and a redesignation of the school, with primary-aged pupils transferring to another school.

Many staff and students from two other schools transferred into the school at this time. All students are now of secondary school age and a new sixth form has been created. Parents know this as the Further Education department.

Currently, sixth form students are taught in temporary mobile accommodation while the sixth form block is being updated. Some of the sixth form students attend Nelson & Colne College on a Wednesday. The school works closely with the Tor View Teaching Alliance and delivers special needs outreach work to support pupils in mainstream schools.

The proportion of disadvantaged students supported through the pupil premium is well above the national average. The pupil premium is additional government funding to support those pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those who are looked after by the local authority. The school has specialist school status for special educational needs in cognition and learning.

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