Cefn Glas Infant School

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About Cefn Glas Infant School

Name Cefn Glas Infant School
Address St Winifred’s Road, Cefn Glas, CF31 4PL
Phone Number 01656 815690
Phase Nursery & Infants
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 224 (48.7% boys 51.3% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 23.6
Local Authority Bridgend
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Cefn Glas Infant School is a welcoming, inclusive school that places a high priority on the well-being of its pupils. The headteacher has created a strong family ethos where those involved in the school feel highly valued and cared for.

Most pupils feel happy and safe in school and behave well in class. They show pride in their work and enjoy having a voice in what and how they learn. Staff have high expectations of pupils and meet their individual needs well.

During their time in school, most pupils including those with additional learning needs (ALN) make effective progress across the curriculum. Pupils develop their skills well in mathematics, literacy, and Welsh language. They enhance their communication skills through... learning British Sign Language with enthusiasm.

However, higher up the school, pupils do not develop a range of digital skills well enough. The school provides comprehensive opportunities for pupils to join leadership groups. The well-established Eco Warriors group has a strong impact on the work of the school.

For example, it strengthens the school's commitment to sustainability through producing posters reminding everyone to turn off lights when not in use. Teachers provide valuable opportunities for pupils to benefit from outdoor learning, including a 'forest' area. They recognise the importance of providing pupils with plenty of opportunities to engage in child-led play.

As a result, pupils have ample opportunities to make decisions about their learning. However, the effectiveness of these opportunities is too varied and does not always support pupils to apply and develop their skills successfully. Leaders establish highly effective relationships with families and the wider school community.

For example, the school provides worthwhile opportunities for parents to learn more about their child's education and increase their capacity to support their child's learning. A thriving Parent and Friends Association contributes significantly to the community ethos fostered by the school. Recommendations R1 Ensure that provision for independent learning enables pupils to apply and develop skills effectively R2 Ensure that older pupils develop their digital skills effectively What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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