Chaffinch Brook School

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About Chaffinch Brook School

Name Chaffinch Brook School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Abbie Vernum
Address 32 Morland Road, Croydon, CR0 6NA
Phone Number 02083254612
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special converter
Age Range 5-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 95
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to the school. They like their lessons and the regular trips and visits to interesting places.

Pupils soak up the knowledge that they gain from the school's curriculum and remember what they have learned. They value the special days that the school organises to celebrate different aspects of the school's life and community, for example World Book Day and events to promote the acceptance and awareness of autism.

Pupils are proud of their talents and unique qualities.

Staff support pupils to deal with any challenges. They enable pupils to get better at managing social situations in everyday life. Pupils learn to develop their communication s...kills.

The school helps pupils to notice and understand their own feelings and the feelings of others.

The school has very high expectations of pupils to do their best at school. Pupils behave exceptionally well.

When required, staff offer pupils support in a professional and kind way. This helps pupils to quickly get back on with their studies. Pupils feel safe at school.

If there are ever any problems with friendships or unkind behaviour, this gets sorted out very quickly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has put in place an ambitious curriculum which clearly identifies what pupils should learn and when. Staff who work at the school feel very well supported by leaders, including the trust.

They say that leaders at all levels consider their well-being.

Pupils acquire knowledge in a sequential way, with each step building on the one before. Teachers bring the curriculum to life with imaginative and fun teaching.

This helps pupils remember what they have been taught. Working relationships between adults and pupils are a strength of the school. The secure attachments that exist help pupils to feel relaxed, positive and ready to learn.

All pupils at the school have autism, and there is a strong culture of being positive about what this means for the pupils.

The school nurtures pupils' talents and interests. This means that pupils grow in self-confidence and respect for themselves and other people.

Teachers check each pupil's journey through the curriculum in a systematic way. This includes pupils' social and communication as well as their academic development. In some parts of the school, the implementation of the school's curriculum aims are not as secure.

This limits pupils' deeper knowledge and skills over time. The school has clear plans and actions to develop staff's expertise further.

Reading has a special place at the school.

There are high-quality books and reading material widely available. Pupils read widely and often. They enjoy adults reading ambitious texts to them.

Pupils take part in reading with enthusiasm. They like to pause and discuss parts of stories that have caught their attention and imagination.Pupils experience a wide range of authors, including from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Books are chosen that present ethical and moral content from history and modern day life. This enriches pupils' understanding of diversity and equality. Pupils who are at the early stages of reading are supported by a well-organised approach to teaching phonics.

The school is an excellent and calm place for pupils to learn in. There are times when pupils need help to manage their emotions and behaviour. When this happens, staff know what to do.

This is because of staff's immense expertise to understand pupils' individual needs. Staff use their utmost knowledge of pupils to enable them to remain focused on learning. Pupils attend well, and the school takes prompt action if there are any barriers to a pupil attending school.

The school's provision for pupils' personal development is excellent. It provides many opportunities for pupils to develop their resilience, personality and sense of self-worth. Staff teach pupils about how to keep safe and independent, for instance how to use vocabulary and language to share their feelings.

There are many sporting and cultural visits and activities that pupils remember and talk about enthusiastically. These include a professional storyteller, regular trips to go sailing, overnight stays and other outdoor and adventurous activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some parts of the school, the implementation of the curriculum is not fully secure. This means that, on occasion, pupils' knowledge and skills do not develop deeply over time. The school should continue with its plans to ensure that all teachers are able to deliver the ambitious curriculum precisely.

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