Chase View Community Primary School

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About Chase View Community Primary School

Name Chase View Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andy Minott
Address Hillary Crest, Pear Tree Estate, Rugeley, WS15 1NE
Phone Number 01889228750
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 185
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils attending Chase View Community Primary School enjoy learning. They are happy in lessons and when playing with their friends on the playground. Effective safeguarding processes ensure that pupils stay safe.

Senior leaders and governors have created a culture built on high expectations. This is reflected in what teachers and teaching assistants look for in pupils. This helps pupils to aspire to being successful in their learning.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. They are polite and courteous to each other and to adults. Lunchtimes are calm and orderly.

Pupils say there is very little bullying. When bullying does take place, staff deal wit...h it well.

Pupils take advantage of the wide range of clubs which are available to them.

They particularly enjoy attending clubs such as archery. In addition, the school provides a variety of life skills courses. Pupils learn about useful skills such as cooking and managing money by attending these courses.

Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to take on extra responsibilities. These opportunities promote pupils' independence and boost their confidence. For example, some pupils are reading buddies for younger children.

Others work as 'junior governors' and make decisions about the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have worked hard to improve the quality of the curriculum since the previous inspection. They are determined that all pupils, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND), access a broad range of subjects.

The curriculum is designed well in a wide range of subjects. Curriculum leaders have planned carefully logical sequences of learning from the early years to Year 6. Pupils take part in learning activities and tasks that help them to remember key knowledge.

For example, in science, pupils apply their knowledge of how nutrients travel through the small intestine, when taking part in practical investigations. Pupils know more and remember more as a result of such well-planned activities.

Teachers work hard to explain curriculum content clearly.

However, in some lessons, staff do not make accurate checks that all pupils have learned the information that they need to know. This makes it hard for staff to identify pupils who need extra support. This means that a few pupils, including some with SEND, do not learn as well as they might.

The teaching of early reading is a strength. Children begin to learn the basics of reading as soon as they start in the early years. Staff skilfully teach children the sounds that letters make.

The systems for checking that all children progress well through the curriculum are sound. Teachers, supported by the phonics leader, quickly identify any children who are falling behind. These children then receive extra support.

This ensures they catch up rapidly. Teachers and other adults make the most of every opportunity to read with pupils. For instance, during a wet lunch break, adults read to groups of pupils.

These positive actions are helping to foster a love of reading amongst younger and older pupils alike. As a result, pupils read fluently. However, some pupils are not able to explain fully the meaning of some words.

This hampers their understanding of the texts they read.

Teachers use assessment well. They gather a range of information to check pupils' understanding.

For example, they use quizzes before and after units of study to find out how much of the curriculum pupils know. These checks provide teachers with valuable insights into how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum. This helps teachers to support any pupils who need extra help.

Pupils display positive attitudes to learning and behave well in lessons. They sit and listen attentively to their teachers. This allows everyone to concentrate and focus on tasks and learn successfully.

Pupils are proud of the work they produce.

Staff promote pupils' character development well through the school's 'PROUD' approach. This approach teaches pupils the importance of perseverance, respect, open-mindedness, understanding and diversity.

The sequence of learning in subjects helps to develop personal responsibility in pupils.

Leaders are effective in their role. Governors provide a clear strategic direction.

They check that leaders are working towards the school's strategic goals and hold senior leaders to account well. Parents and carers comment positively about the effectiveness of leadership at the school. Leaders work hard to ensure the workload of staff in not onerous.

Staff speak positively about how considerate leaders are of maintaining a good work-life balance.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff recognise the need to be vigilant for any signs showing that pupils are at potential risk of harm.

They receive effective regular training about what they should do if they have any concerns. The school works successfully with a wide range of partners to protect children when the need arises.

Checks carried out on new staff are rigorous.

Records of these checks are meticulously maintained so that nothing slips through the net.

Pupils learn about keeping themselves safe. Safeguarding themes are threaded through the curriculum in an age-appropriate way.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, adults do not ensure that pupils understand some of the words they encounter. This hinders their ability to comprehend fully the texts they read. Leaders should place further focus on developing pupils' vocabulary and comprehension skills.

• Teachers do not always make accurate checks on what pupils remember from previous learning. This means that some pupils, including some with SEND, do not learn as well as they might. Leaders should ensure that staff use effective methods for checking what pupils know and remember.

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