Cherry Tree Primary School

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About Cherry Tree Primary School

Name Cherry Tree Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Head Teacher Mr Andrew Feeley
Address Highfield Road, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 0NS
Phone Number 01204335883
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 406
Local Authority Bolton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Cherry Tree is a positive and welcoming school. Pupils enjoy attending school each day.

They achieve well in different subjects because of leaders' high expectations.

Pupils are proud that everybody at the school is treated equally. They learn to respect and understand differences between themselves and other people.

For instance, they learn about the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), including by mixing often with pupils from the on-site special school.

Pupils said that they feel safe at school. This is because leaders and staff care for them and nurture their individual talents.

Pupils explained tha...t behaviour is good around school. They are confident that staff deal swiftly and successfully with any bullying.

Pupils learn the importance of doing their best at their work and play.

They learn to persevere when they encounter difficulties because of the skilful support of staff. Pupils thrive through taking part in the many extra learning opportunities at the school. For instance, they sing in the school choir, learn to ride a horse and proudly represent the school in tenpin bowling competitions with other schools.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils achieve well at the school because of the broad and ambitious curriculum that leaders have put into place. In most subjects, especially in English and mathematics, the curriculum has been planned carefully. Leaders have identified the order in which staff should teach pupils new information.

This helps pupils to build on what they already know and can do. Pupils talked confidently and clearly about their knowledge in many different subjects. However, the curriculum plans in some subjects are a work in progress.

In part, this is due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. They are less clear about the essential knowledge and vocabulary that pupils should learn. At times, this hinders pupils from making steady progress through the whole curriculum.

Nevertheless, leaders have made a good start in ensuring that all curriculum plans match the effectiveness of those that are more developed.

Teachers plan activities that motivate pupils and challenge their thinking. Teachers check how well pupils have remembered their previous learning before they introduce new knowledge.

Pupils who find learning difficult, including those pupils with SEND, receive the additional support that they need to keep up with their classmates.

Leaders make certain that all staff place great emphasis on celebrating reading and teaching pupils to read. Pupils enjoy visiting the well-organised school library, including during the popular Saturday opening.

They enthusiastically browse and read books. Staff follow the school's phonics programme closely. This is because leaders ensure that staff receive helpful training and support.

Phonics is an enjoyable and ever-present feature of the school day from the first week of the Reception Year. Staff provide pupils with reading books that match the sounds that they know. This means that pupils feel successful when they practise their reading.

Staff keep a close eye on pupils' progress through the reading curriculum, providing timely and additional support for those that need extra practise. As a result, pupils read with increasing accuracy and fluency.

Staff, including those in the early years, identify the needs of pupils with SEND quickly and accurately.

Staff skilfully ensure that the curriculum meets the wide-ranging needs of pupils with SEND. This means that these pupils achieve as well as others in the school.

Leaders plan a wide range of opportunities through the school year to promote pupils' personal development.

Staff teach pupils about the important contributions of people from different ethnic minority groups to advances in science, technology, art and politics. Pupils learn to understand cultures and beliefs different from their own. Teachers help pupils to explore current topical issues, for example global warming, deforestation and pollution, so that they can confidently explain their own viewpoint.

Pupils behave well in classrooms and around the school. Low-level disruption in lessons is rare. This means that teachers and teaching assistants can focus fully on teaching the planned curriculum.

The experienced governing body is ambitious for the school. Governors challenge and support leaders well. For instance, they ask leaders lots of questions about how the school is improving pupils' knowledge of different subjects.

Governors use their collective and broad expertise wisely to explore where further improvements can be made to the school. Leaders, including governors, ensure that staff have a reasonable workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders, governors and staff take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously. They are vigilant for any signs that pupils may be at risk of harm. Leaders make sure that all staff have an awareness of potential safeguarding risks to pupils.

Leaders keep appropriate records and engage well with external agencies to protect pupils. They gather the necessary information to ensure timely support for pupils' well-being and safety.

Staff teach pupils how to stay safe, including when using the internet.

Pupils know to report any concerns they may have for their own safety or the safety of others.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Although leaders are well on their way to developing the curriculum plans for all subjects, some are still at an earlier stage. In some subjects, leaders have not identified the important knowledge, including vocabulary, that pupils should learn.

At times, this stops pupils from making the progress that they should through the curriculum. Leaders should ensure that their work to improve the curriculum plans continues and that staff are fully trained to deliver the new approaches.

The transition arrangements were used on this inspection to confirm that the pupils benefit from a good-quality education.

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