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Pupils and students in the sixth form know that leaders and staff have high expectations of them.
Leaders have worked hard to improve the quality of education that pupils receive. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and most teachers deliver subject curriculums well. As a result, pupils and students are motivated to learn and they achieve well.
Pupils, including students in the sixth form, are happy at school. They value the diverse community and welcoming ethos of the school. Pupils are respectful of one another and polite and friendly to staff and visitors.
They benefit from warm and supportive relationships with staff, who they trust will help and suppo...rt them.
Pupils behave well in most lessons and around the school. Lessons are rarely disrupted by pupils' poor behaviour.
Teachers deal with any poor behaviour, including bullying, quickly and effectively. Pupils and students speak highly of the pastoral support they receive. They feel safe in school and know how to report any concerns.
Leaders place a strong emphasis on the value of reading. Pupils read together every day and enjoy a range of engaging books. Staff offer a wide range of clubs and activities for pupils.
Students and pupils value the many opportunities they have to take on leadership roles. Pupil leadership groups, such as the student council, play an active role in school life.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have completely overhauled the curriculum in recent years.
The curriculum is now broad and ambitious for all pupils. Leaders aspire to further increase the number of pupils who gain qualifications in the English Baccalaureate. For example, a growing number of pupils now study languages at key stage 4.
Leaders have carefully selected the courses that they offer in the sixth form so that they meet students' needs. Students can choose from a range of pathways which include both academic and vocational courses. This prepares students well for future employment and education.
Across the curriculum, leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge and skills that they intend pupils to learn. Leaders have ordered curriculum content carefully to enable pupils and students to build up their knowledge step by step.
Teachers regularly use activities designed to help pupils remember what they have learned.
They use assessment information effectively to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge. Teachers then adapt how they deliver curriculums to address pupils' needs.
In most subjects, teachers present content clearly and skilfully.
Pupils behave well and engage willingly in the work they are set in these subjects. As a result, pupils and students achieve increasingly well. However, in a very small number of subjects, there is some slight variability in how well teachers use activities and present information.
Leaders have effective systems to identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They ensure that teachers and other adults know how to help pupils to learn. Leaders use the help of specialists from external agencies to ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are met.
Some of these pupils told inspectors that they are supported well by staff. As a result, pupils with SEND progress through the curriculum as well as their peers.
Leaders, governors and trustees are passionate about the importance of reading.
Leaders ensure that they identify gaps in pupils' reading knowledge. Specially trained staff provide extra support for pupils to ensure that they catch up quickly. Daily reading lessons develop pupils' confidence in reading aloud.
Teachers carefully select books to engage pupils in reading and to develop their cultural knowledge.
Leaders are proud of their programme for the personal development of pupils. Pupils learn about healthy relationships.
They have opportunities to discuss topics such as consent and sexual harassment. They are taught to respect differences between people and the value of diversity. Pupils recently enjoyed a 'cultural day' in which they celebrated the school's diverse community.
In the sixth form, however, the curriculum provides fewer opportunities for students to learn about relationships and sex education. This means that they are not as well prepared for their future lives as they could be.
Leaders plan well for pupils' careers education.
Pupils and students in all year groups are well informed about the full range of choices they have for their future education, employment or training. Pupils can develop their talents and interests through a wide choice of extra-curricular activities, which include sports clubs, drama, art and music.
Governors and trustees know the school well and understand their strategic role.
They support leaders effectively to enact their vision for the school. The trust ensures that external support and research are carefully sourced and used to supplement staff's knowledge. Staff value the opportunities they are given to develop professionally and to work collaboratively.
Leaders have taken action to address some issues of staff workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders, governors and trustees have ensured a strong culture of safeguarding.
They have established a large, well-trained and experienced team of staff. There are strong systems in place to keep pupils and students safe. Safeguarding staff are knowledgeable about the dangers that pupils may face in the local community.
They work closely with external agencies to ensure that pupils and students get the help that they need.
Staff are trained to be vigilant. They know how to identify pupils and students at risk of harm.
They use the school's systems for reporting any concerns in a timely manner. Pupils are taught about potential risks and know how to keep themselves safe, including online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a very small number of subjects, there are inconsistencies in how well teachers deliver some aspects of the curriculum.
This means that some pupils do not learn as well as they could in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum is delivered consistently well so that pupils achieve well in these subjects. ? In the sixth form, some aspects of the personal development curriculum relating to relationships and sex education are not taught in sufficient depth.
This means that students miss out on opportunities to reflect on and discuss issues relating to healthy relationships and consent. As a result, they are not as well prepared for their future lives as they could be. Leaders should ensure that this area of the curriculum is designed coherently and implemented effectively, so that students are better prepared for life.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.