Colton Primary School

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About Colton Primary School

Name Colton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Caroline Johnson
Address School Lane, Colton, Leeds, LS15 9AL
Phone Number 01132647514
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 238
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school where anything is possible. Pupils at Colton say they feel respected, valued and safe.

The school has very high aspirations for the achievement of all its pupils. Staff ensure all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve exceptionally well, both academically and in their personal development. All pupils are proud to be part of this superb school.

The 'Colton code' runs through the school. Relationships between adults and pupils are rooted in mutual respect. The conduct and behaviour of pupils are exemplary.

From the moment pupils start at the school, they learn how to respect and care for each... other. Pupils value charity and the spirit of generosity. One pupil explained to inspectors that this is because 'sometimes, everyone needs a helping hand'.

Leaders are relentless in ensuring pupils make the most of their time in school. They promote the importance of good school attendance at every turn. The attendance of pupils is high.

Pupils with SEND attend school even more frequently than their peers do.

Older pupils act as excellent role models for younger pupils by taking on numerous responsibilities, including those of 'peaceful problem solvers' and 'handy helpers'. These roles help to ensure that the school's vision of 'kindness, determination and good honest hard work' is fully realised.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is exceptionally ambitious. Leaders have ensured that every staff member shares a commitment to help every pupil realise their full potential. Across the curriculum, leaders have detailed clearly what pupils need to know and be able to do.

Pupils develop deep and rich knowledge across the curriculum. In music, pupils perform to the highest standard and make complex links with the music associated with different time periods. In geography, pupils' understanding of the local community and wider world is very strong.

For example, they learn about how the Temple Newsam Estate has changed over time and compare this to other parts of the world.

The highly consistent implementation of the curriculum allows all pupils, particularly those with SEND, to build deep stores of knowledge over time. For example, in Year 1, pupils are able to explain in detail how the germination of plants occurs.

Year 5 pupils confidently discuss musical tempo and pitch using highly technical language. Across all subjects, pupils' work demonstrates their deep and sustained learning across the curriculum and over time.

Teachers make carefully chosen adaptations to lessons for pupils with SEND.

They do not lower their expectations. Across the curriculum, pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well. No learning time is wasted.

Effective use of technology enables pupils to receive precise feedback. Pupils know what to do to improve their work. In early years, staff quickly identify children with SEND and provide effective support.

The school makes the teaching of reading a priority. Expert teaching of phonics ensures pupils quickly develop the skills that they need to excel. All staff are trained to the highest standard.

Books are closely matched to the sounds that pupils know. Pupils adore reading the agreed class texts. Pupils across school are effusive about reading.

Reading ambassadors and a well-resourced library provision contribute to the vast numbers of pupils who show a deep love of reading. Pupils who need support with reading are identified and supported. These pupils quickly catch up.

Pupils routinely apply their phonics skills into writing. They build transcription and composition skills in their writing across all year groups.

Children in early years get off to a flying start.

High-quality adult interactions enable children to quickly build excellent vocabulary skills. Considered activities help children develop strong social skills. Children who need extra support are swiftly identified.

Children develop excellent routines within the early years. They show sustained interest across a wide range of activities. Staff fully understand how to enact the highly ambitious curriculum.

The curriculum builds a solid foundation for future learning. For example, children learn about mini beasts in preparation for their future science learning. As a result, children achieve exceptionally well and are very well prepared for key stage 1.

The school's 'curriculum for life' ensures pupils build character and develop a deep understanding of difference. The carefully designed offer includes opportunities for pupils to lean about citizenship and sustainability. It includes opportunities to engage with music and the arts.

These experiences ensure all pupils are very well prepared for life in wider society. Pupils are provided with a wealth of leadership opportunities. These are meaningful and purposeful.

There are a range of clubs, visits and visitors for pupils to enjoy. This helps to ensure pupils develop a wide range of talents and interests.Leaders are highly skilled.

They do the right things at the right time. Staff are incredibly proud to work at this school. Subject leaders are well trained and check standards carefully.

Trustees and local governors hold leaders to account for the work they undertake. The trust and leaders have been instrumental in ensuring staff workload is well managed and this has had a very positive impact on staff well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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