Corinthian Community Primary School

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About Corinthian Community Primary School

Name Corinthian Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Sarah Knipe
Address Inigo Road, Liverpool, L13 6SH
Phone Number 01512285806
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 388
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school. They take a very active part in school life. For example, the charity committee helps organise regular events.

Also, digital leaders look after the school's computing equipment.

Warm and friendly relationships are evident between staff and pupils. Pupils think that their teachers are friendly and kind.

Pupils feel safe in school because of the care that adults give them. Pupils know that they can speak to staff in school if they have any concerns.

Leaders are determined that all pupils will succeed.

They ensure that pupils get the right support from staff to help them learn successfully across different subj...ects. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils enjoy their learning.

They appreciate trips to museums and places of interest that help bring their learning to life. Pupils are excited when Luna, the dog, visits their classes.

Pupils are kind to each other and very welcoming to visitors.

They behave well. Pupils listen respectfully to the opinions of others in lessons. They learn that all are equal.

Pupils know that any incidents of bullying will be dealt with by their teachers quickly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well. This ambition is reflected in a carefully planned and interesting curriculum.

Pupils learn a range of knowledge across different subjects.

In most subjects, leaders have identified the most important knowledge that they want pupils to remember. Pupils learn this knowledge through a well-ordered approach.

For example, in mathematics, teachers make sure that pupils learn written calculations in very carefully sequenced steps, starting from early years. In a small number of subjects, curriculum plans are less clear in identifying which knowledge is essential for pupils to learn.

In English and mathematics, teachers make very regular checks to ensure that pupils have a firm grasp of their learning.

Teachers use this information to ensure that new learning builds well on what pupils already know. In some other subjects, the checks that teachers make are not as accurate in identifying how well pupils are remembering the curriculum. This means that pupils sometimes move on to new learning too quickly.

Leaders have placed reading firmly at the centre of the school's curriculum. From the time children start in the Nursery class, they enjoy reading and sharing a wide range of interesting books and stories. Pupils are excited to use the local library.

They value reading and read for pleasure.

Leaders provide a wide range of regular training to ensure that staff teach reading successfully. Reading books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils know.

Pupils read very regularly in school to practise their learning. Through precise checks, teachers identify any pupils who need additional support. This support is effective.

Pupils develop as confident and fluent readers.

Leaders ensure that any additional needs that pupils have are identified at an early stage. In class, staff give pupils with SEND the help that they need.

This ensures that these pupils can learn the curriculum alongside their peers. In early years, staff make detailed checks on children's communication and language knowledge. Staff are experts in giving children the help that they need to learn new words and to speak correctly.

Staff help pupils learn useful techniques to support their well-being. For example, children in Nursery take part in relaxing mindfulness sessions to help them feel calm. Pupils know that they can go to quiet areas in the school when needed.

Pupils appreciate the benefits of being in the school's attractive outdoor areas.

Leaders plan a wide range of carefully considered activities to broaden pupils' experiences. For example, pupils represent the school in a variety of different sporting events.

Regular trips to the local and wider community help pupils to learn the curriculum.

Pupils learn that all are equal. They develop a mature appreciation of differences, such as ethnicity and religion.

Pupils have opportunities to be active and caring citizens. For example, a group of pupils visit the residents of a local care home and sing for them.

Pupils are keen to do their best in lessons and listen attentively to adults.

At playtimes, pupils enjoy the activities that leaders provide. Any occasional falling out between pupils is quickly sorted out by adults. In early years, children move calmly around the spacious classrooms.

They play and chat very happily together.

Governors provide challenge and support for leaders. However, many of the school governors are new to their roles.

They have not had time to develop their expertise in checking that the school's curriculum is effective. Governors are taking steps to improve communication between school and families, including updating the school's website.

Staff enjoy working at the school.

They typically describe the school as 'like a family'. Leaders are considerate of staff well-being when making decisions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all staff have regular safeguarding training. This means that staff are alert to possible signs of abuse. Safeguarding leaders follow the latest government guidance when dealing with any concerns.

Leaders work closely with a range of professionals to keep pupils safe. Leaders make sure that pupils and their families get the help that they need.

Through the curriculum, pupils find out about how to keep themselves safe.

For example, pupils learn about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe online. Pupils learn that they should speak to a trusted adult if the actions of others make them feel unsafe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some governors are new to their roles and have not had training. This means that they have not developed their knowledge and expertise to hold leaders to account for their decisions effectively. Governors should ensure that they receive appropriate training to enable them to provide effective challenge and support for leaders.

• In a small number of subjects, leaders have not identified the most important knowledge that pupils should learn and remember. This means that pupils sometimes do not learn what they need to prepare them well for future learning. Leaders should ensure that in all subjects, subject leaders identify the knowledge that pupils need to acquire.

• In some subjects, leaders and teachers do not have a precise knowledge of how well pupils know and are remembering the taught curriculum. This means that teachers do not know whether pupils have acquired secure foundations for future learning. Leaders should ensure that in these subjects, systems are in place to enable staff to check how well pupils are learning.

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