Cwmbach C.I.W. Primary School

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About Cwmbach C.I.W. Primary School

Name Cwmbach C.I.W. Primary School
Estyn Inspection Rating (Standards and Progress) Good
Address Tirfounder Road, Cwmbach, Aberdare, CF44 0AT
Phone Number 01685 873336
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 111 (48.6% boys 51.4% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 22.2
Local Authority Rhondda Cynon Taf
Highlights from Latest Inspection

the development of pupils' skills in literacy, numeracy and other subjects. The use of an electronic system to gather assessments of pupils' progress in reading and writing is particularly beneficial in allowing staff to monitor closely the development of pupils' literacy skills.

Staff use a good range of information to inform their tracking systems. This includes a wide variety of test data, such as the recently introduced online personalised assessments for numeracy, and regular paper-based reading tests. Senior leaders select assessments that are appropriate to the needs of the school and its pupils.

They have the confidence to cease the use of assessments that do not suit their purposes and introduce new ones as approp...riate. Senior leaders recognise the need to ensure the accuracy of teacher assessments through the gathering of first-hand evidence, such as looking at samples of pupils' work. This is beginning to ensure that the information stored on the school's electronic tracking systems is an accurate reflection of what pupils achieve.

They continue to work well with other local schools to compare pupils' work and to reach agreement on the levels they have achieved. However, teacher assessment is still not always secure, particularly at the higher levels in key stage 2. Half-termly pupil progress meetings focus appropriately on a mix of pupils' work and test data.

These provide a useful forum for senior leaders to work with staff to review the progress of individual pupils and to consider the effectiveness of intervention and support programmes. The school uses this information well to support the progress of specific groups of learners. For example, they identify and consider the progress of vulnerable pupils and modify provision to support their particular needs appropriately.

R4. Improve leadership at all levels The headteacher, who took up his post in September 2018, has established a clear vision for the school's future, which staff and governors share. He has taken the school forward well over a short period and made many purposeful decisions that have benefitted pupils and staff.

He has established a clear staffing structure with most staff now on permanent contracts. He has developed the internal and external environment of the school well and made classrooms more effective spaces for teaching and learning. He has secured additional funding to boost the cultural development of pupils, for example through theatre visits and a residential 3 Report of visit – Cwmbach C.

I.W. Primary School June 2019 experience for Year 6 pupils.

In collaboration with governors, he has moved the school's finances from a deficit to a projected surplus over the year. Most staff now have appropriate leadership roles and receive suitable training to develop their leadership and professional skills. Middle managers undertake their co-ordination roles appropriately and provide suitable leadership in their allocated subject areas.

Staff plan well together, particularly within phases, and they form a close-knit team. The chair of governors provides strong leadership for the governing body and has developed their ability to challenge aspects of the school's work successfully. Governors undertake their work conscientiously.

They review and approve school policies appropriately and provide suitable oversight of the school's finances. Link governors for literacy and numeracy have undertaken learning walks with a focus on particular aspects of provision and have fed their findings back to senior leaders and the governing body. A sub-committee of the governing body keeps a close eye on the implementation of the post-inspection action plan and the full governing body reviews progress regularly.

The systems and structures within the school help to drive forward positive change and there are strong signs of progress in terms of the quality of provision and gains made by many pupils in their literacy and numeracy skills. R5. Involve all staff and governors in monitoring progress against agreed improvement priorities The school has clear arrangements for monitoring and evaluating the quality of its provision and judging progress in relation to agreed priorities.

There is a well-understood timetable of monitoring events and activities throughout the year. Leaders have monitored carefully the implementation of the post-inspection action plan and provided governors with regular reports on its progress. Staff analyse data on pupils' progress thoroughly, identify any issues and act appropriately as a result, for example by modifying intervention support for individual pupils.

Leaders work well with external partners, such as challenge advisers, to judge the quality of pupils' work and to identify any issues that need improvement. Staff with leadership responsibilities for literacy and numeracy undertake suitable monitoring activities. For example, the literacy co-ordinator has listened to selected pupils read and scrutinised the written work of pupils in all classes.

Co-ordinators compile useful reports on their findings and feed them back to staff. In undertaking monitoring activities, there has been a strong emphasis on checking for compliance with agreed policies, coverage of the curriculum and consideration of various aspects of teaching. This has helped to secure more consistent provision across the school.

Leaders have improved these activities further by focusing more clearly on standards 4 Report of visit – Cwmbach C.I.W.

Primary School June 2019 and the quality of pupils' learning. For example, staff have worked collaboratively to create their own criteria for successful teaching that identifies well what good learning looks like. They use this well to help them make judgements about the effectiveness of their classroom practice.

Governors have undertaken a suitable range of first-hand monitoring activities, such as learning walks focusing on phonics lessons, literacy displays and the provision of reading buddies. There is an agreed policy for the monitoring role of governors with clear parameters for undertaking this role. There are appropriate arrangements to link governors to specific subjects and areas of learning.

Governors provide a suitable degree of challenge, for example by querying the reasons behind sudden improvements in pupils' reading ages. R6. Improve the management of staff resources The school has made considerable improvements in its management of staffing and other resources.

Nearly all teaching and support staff have permanent contracts and this has brought much-needed stability to the workforce. All staff have clear job descriptions and a sound understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to teaching, learning, raising standards and improving pupils' wellbeing. The quality and consistency of teaching throughout the school has improved, and teachers' expectations of what pupils can achieve are increasing.

These changes have had a positive impact on pupils' progress and achievement. For example, most pupils' phonic knowledge has improved as a result of a consistent approach to the teaching of reading. School leaders have high, but realistic expectations of teaching and support staff.

They deploy staff appropriately, taking good account of their skills, expertise and interests to provide valuable learning experiences for pupils. Performance management processes meet requirements. Targets relate closely to school priorities, but also encourage staff to undertake meaningful professional learning to improve their skills, knowledge and understanding.

For example, peer review observations support teachers to identify, evaluate and share effective practice across the school. Effective collaboration with other schools in the regional consortium and diocese has helped the school to enhance its provision in key areas, including literacy and the foundation phase. © Crown Copyright 2019: This report may be re-used free of charge in any format or medium provided that it is re-used accurately and not used in a misleading context.

The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright and the title of the report specified 5

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