Dixons City Academy

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About Dixons City Academy

Name Dixons City Academy
Website http://www.dixonsca.com
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Raouf Mohammed
Address Ripley Street, Bradford, BD5 7RR
Phone Number 01274089850
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 900
Local Authority Bradford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The executive principal provides exceptional leadership.

Ably supported by other leaders, she inspires staff and pupils to have the highest aspirations for themselves and of others. The recently appointed principal shares the executive principal's ambition to strive for excellence in every aspect of the school's work. The school's culture values diversity, harmony and independent learning.

Pupils thrive in this environment and they achieve highly. Governors are very skilled and effective in challenging leaders. They have an incisive knowledge of the school, and the trust provides strong support for the school.

The high qu...ality of teaching and assessment leads pupils to make outstanding progress across the curriculum, including in English and mathematics. Disadvantaged pupils, including the most able disadvantaged, make progress which exceeds that of other pupils nationally. Subject leaders are highly effective in bringing about improvements to the quality of teaching and learning.

The curriculum is well-planned by leaders. It provides breadth, choice and challenge for pupils of all abilities to achieve their best. All pupils progress onto further education, employment or training.

School leaders are passionate about enriching pupils' lives. Consequently, the range of extra-curricular activities is impressive, and engagement levels are high. Performing arts is a real strength of the school.

With very few exceptions, pupils behave impeccably in lessons. During social times, there is an excited buzz around the school. This reflects a community that is both cohesive and highly aspirational.

Pupils enjoy coming to school. Attendance is higher than the average for secondary schools. Students in the sixth form receive outstanding teaching.

Those who take academic qualifications now achieve as highly as those on vocational programmes. Despite the range of provision already in place, pupils with special educational needs and/ or disabilities (SEND) do not make as much progress as their peers.

Information about this school

Dixons City Academy is part of The Dixons Academy Trust.

The school shares a governing body with Dixons Kings Academy. The executive principal was principal at the school from 2011 to July 2018. The current principal was appointed in September 2018.

The school is larger than average, with an increasing roll. It also has a large sixth form. The school admits some pupils on a performing arts scholarship.

The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged and receive support from the pupil premium is average. The proportion of pupils whose first language is believed not to be English is well above average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is below average.

The proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan is average. A small number of pupils currently attend alternative education provision placements off-site, full time. The school uses the following providers: Bradford College, Prism and the local authority's pupil referral unit.

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