Dringhouses Primary School

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About Dringhouses Primary School

Name Dringhouses Primary School
Website https://dringhousesprimary.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Mary-Kate Swiers
Address St Helen’s Road, Dringhouses, York, YO24 1HW
Phone Number 01904553940
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 308
Local Authority York
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

At Dringhouses Primary School, the five character values: confident, creative, curious, community-minded and collaborative are woven through the curriculum. Pupils know these values well.

Adults award golden tickets in assembly to the pupils who demonstrate these values.Pupils listen attentively and respond to instructions swiftly. Pupils respectfully discuss, with a partner, questions posed by the teacher.

Relationships between pupils and staff are positive. Pupils who need a 'brain break' access a safe space for short periods of rest between learning tasks.Pupils understand the school's positive behaviour expectations.

They know what constitutes a 'time out...'. Pupils know about different types of bullying, such as cyber-bullying. They know to tell an adult if it happens and know that the adult will help them.

Pupils know how to stay safe online. They are aware that information online might be fake. They know to look for the padlock icon to check that the website is secure before accessing it.

Pupils encounter the 'Dringhouses 50'. These are 50 experiences pupils will have before they leave the school, such as visiting the food festival in York and learning a new language. These experiences further support pupils' character development.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have redesigned the Dringhouses Discovery Curriculum. This is underpinned by the school's curriculum values of leadership, inspiration and challenge. Some subjects are more developed than others.

For example, the mathematics curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. Curriculum goals are broken down into well-sequenced smaller steps. This means teachers are clear about what to teach and in what order to teach it.

Teachers check pupils' prior knowledge before introducing new learning. Children in Reception sustain concentration and engagement in mathematical activities for extended periods of time.Leaders recognise that they will need to refine some subjects, such as history, as they gain a deeper knowledge of the curriculum.

Subject leaders have not had enough opportunities to check the effectiveness of their curriculum. They have looked at pupils' books but have not regularly visited lessons. This means subject leaders do not have a comprehensive overview of their subject.

In the wider curriculum, leaders have begun to identify the essential knowledge they want to check pupils have retained. However, this system is in the early stages of development. Therefore, leaders are not yet using the information to make appropriate changes to the curriculum.

The curriculum organisation and delivery supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to learn and develop independence. Teachers provide pupils with SEND with individual provision, where appropriate. Pupils with SEND have the time they need to master the basics before moving on to more complex tasks.

Leaders have prioritised reading across the school. There is a dedicated library space with a diverse selection of books. Teachers read to pupils every day.

Teachers ensure that the content of the story supports and challenges pupils' thinking in a mixed-age class. Leaders implemented a new phonics scheme this year to support reading fluency. Children in early years start learning phonics as soon as they enter Reception.

Leaders have identified some pupils who are struggling to remember sounds. Adults hear these pupils read daily and practise the sound mat with them. However, there are no dedicated catch-up phonics sessions for these pupils.

This is slowing their rate of progress.Leaders use mindfulness to support pupils' mental health and well-being. Adults help pupils to understand how to manage anxiety.

Some pupils who need additional support have sessions with the emotional literacy support assistants (ELSAs). The ELSAs work one to one with pupils on their emotional and social needs. This means that pupils are ready to access learning in the classroom.

Pupils have opportunities to be leaders across the school. For example, in September, Year 6 pupils buddy with a Reception child to support them in lunchtime routines. Year 5 pupils are librarians.

Across the school, pupils have responsibilities such as watering plants or being a line leader. Playground leaders take their responsibilities seriously and organise team games for pupils at playtime.Governors know the school's curriculum is under review.

They hold leaders at all levels to account. There are link governor roles. These governors visit school to find out about the quality of education in their area.

For example, governors reviewed the decisions leaders had set out in the SEND strategy. This ensures that governors understand how well pupils with SEND progress through the school's curriculum.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have identified a local park as an area where pupils are at risk within the locality. As a result, leaders invited the police community support officer to speak to pupils about respect in the community.Pupils report safeguarding concerns to a trusted adult in school.

To make reporting easier for pupils, leaders are introducing an online mechanism, where they can share any worries they may have.Staff have annual safeguarding training. However, leaders recognise that they must include regular updates to ensure staff are retaining key safeguarding information.

Teachers understand how to keep pupils safe.During the inspection, inspectors had some concerns about some of the safeguarding processes. Leaders demonstrated that they could reflect and appropriately respond with plans and refined procedures.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, procedures for checking on pupils' knowledge are in the early stages of development. This means leaders do not have a clear understanding of what pupils know and can remember. Leaders should ensure they embed checks on pupils' knowledge across the curriculum and use these to influence future curriculum thinking.

• Some subject leaders have not had sufficient opportunity to monitor their area of responsibility. As a result, they do not have an accurate understanding of the effective implementation of their subject. Leaders should ensure subject leaders have the training and expertise required to lead and monitor their curriculum area successfully.

• Leaders do not provide regular updates to staff on safeguarding processes. This means that some staff do not follow procedures consistently. Leaders, including governors, should ensure that regular training, updates and reviews support all staff to ensure that pupils are kept safe.

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