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Pupils thrive here. Firm foundations for pupils' personal and academic achievement begin in the early years. Pupils love to learn.
Many join the school during the academic year. They feel welcome. Pupils care for and treat each other with tolerance and respect.
They are safe and happy. Bullying is very rare. Pupils' behaviour is impeccable.
Pupils talk with passion and enthusiasm about all subject areas. They understand the importance of practise to help them improve. Whether this is their multiplication facts or to rehearse for a musical performance.
Pupils are constantly and consistently encouraged to be the best they can be.
Extra-curricu...lar activities are carefully planned, so that all pupils can take part. Pupils enjoy growing food for the school kitchen.
Pupils' talents and interests are nurtured successfully. Parents appreciate these opportunities. They say their children 'flourish'.
Pupils know they can make a difference in the world. As inclusive active citizens, they show honesty, kindness and responsibility. Pupils prepare care packages for those new to the school and those in need locally.
Pupils leave the school as knowledgeable, compassionate and resilient young people. They are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff's dedication, commitment and skill help to realise leaders' vision for excellence.
Leaders ensure staff know how to plan and teach the curriculum exceptionally well. The well-sequenced curriculum identifies what pupils must know and remember, starting in the early years. As a result, pupils secure the knowledge they need to succeed.
Leaders, including governors, are ambitious for all pupils. Teachers check that pupils meet their high expectations for learning. Teachers identify ambitious content that pupils need to learn.
Pupils are skilfully supported to gain new knowledge. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff use resources effectively, so that pupils secure knowledge, skills and vocabulary well.
For example, staff work with external agencies, such as speech and language therapists, to successfully plan and deliver high-quality individual support.
In the early years, there is a sharp focus on children's communication and language skills. The indoor and outdoor provision is carefully planned.
Children practise and secure new words and phrases well. Staff promote children's early language development effectively. Their love of books, reading and rhyme is nurtured and secured quickly.
Phonic teaching begins in Nursery. Staff's subject knowledge is secure. They routinely check pupils' phonic knowledge and quickly spot those who need help.
Pupils' reading books match their phonic knowledge accurately. This supports pupils to read with fluency. Teachers read and discuss high-quality texts with their classes.
As a result, pupils develop their comprehension well. Carefully selected texts help pupils to deepen their subject knowledge. For example, pupils in Year 5 read stories about the universe before they study planets in science.
Pupils are well read. They have a profound appreciation of people's lives, cultures and places.
Leaders and staff share high expectations for pupils' behaviour.
Children in the early years learn to cooperate with their peers and adults. Staff ably help pupils learn how to express and manage their feelings. Therefore, time in the classroom and playground is calm and positive for everyone.
The well-being of pupils, parents and staff has a high profile at the school. Pupils know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy. For example, sports captains organise lunchtime football games.
Leaders help parents to improve their children's attendance when needed. Pupils attend school regularly. Staff appreciate leaders' consideration and support to manage their workload.
Pupils' detailed knowledge of the school's values means they treat everyone fairly and with care. They speak out if they believe something to be wrong. Pupils debate and discuss local, national and international issues with sensitivity and maturity.
Pupils know and value the different cultures and religions that create modern Britain.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders of safeguarding are tenacious in their pursuit to keep pupils safe.
Staff attend training and know how to report and record concerns accurately. Leaders quickly follow up on pupils' safety and welfare concerns. They work with external agencies successfully.
Appropriate safeguarding checks are completed before staff and volunteers begin working at the school. Leaders, including governors, check recruitment records regularly to assure themselves they are up to date and accurate.
Pupils know how to keep themselves safe in the local community and online.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.