Edlesborough Primary Academy

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About Edlesborough Primary Academy

Name Edlesborough Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Jennifer Peel
Address High Street, Edlesborough, Dunstable, LU6 2HS
Phone Number 01525220431
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 174
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school each day and show exemplary attitudes to learning.They meet the school's high expectations for behaviour and learning very well.

Pupils talk about what they learn confidently. They take great pride in their work and the knowledge they remember. The school values of 'kind, inclusive, scholarly, inspired and resilient' guide pupils well.

Pupils concentrate very well in lessons, showing their 'scholarly sitting' and answering in 'scholarly sentences'.

Pupils love many aspects of school life, such as learning how to cook over fires safely. The increased opportunities to attend clubs has excited pupils.

They particularly enjo...yed a recent theme week learning about neurodiversity. Pupils understand and respect difference well.

Pupils feel safe.

They have confidence in the school's systems to support them. They greatly appreciate being able to sign up for 'bubble time' and know an adult will make time to speak to them. Pupils know that staff listen and help, and find resolutions to any worries.

Parents and carers value the work of the school. One parent wrote, summing up the views of many, 'I'm very grateful for such a good school for my children to walk to, thrive in and feel that they belong to.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has introduced an ambitious curriculum.

This enables pupils, including those with special needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve well. The important knowledge the school wants pupils to learn in all subjects from Reception to Year 6 is precise. Teachers provide regular opportunities for pupils to recall their prior learning and make links between different subjects.

Pupils with SEND benefit from a curriculum that is as ambitious as that of their classmates. The school ensures that it identifies pupils' needs accurately.

However, this high level of curriculum thinking is not quite as strong in the Nursery as it is in the rest of the school.

The early years curriculum supports children to make independent choices and demonstrate positive attitudes. The school prioritises communication and language well. Yet, some of the knowledge that children need to secure in Nursery, including for the two-year-olds, is not always explicitly identified.

As a result, children in the early years are not as fully prepared for future learning as they could be.

Pupils learn very well in most subjects. In the stronger subjects, teachers deliver lessons that tie precisely to what it is that pupils need to learn.

On the whole, teachers spot misconceptions as they arise. Teachers check well that pupils are secure in their understanding of new knowledge. However, in a few subjects, the school's clear curricular vision is not always fully realised in its delivery.

Occasionally, teachers' subject knowledge is not as secure as it could be. This means that, sometimes, pupils are not learning consistently well across the entire curriculum.

The school has made teaching pupils to read an absolute priority.

Staff teach phonics expertly. Any pupil who falls behind with phonics is quickly identified. Staff give pupils precise additional support to keep up with the programme.

Adults' enthusiasm for reading inspires pupils. From Nursery onwards, children love listening to stories and joining in with songs and rhymes. Pupils talk about their favourite books and authors with genuine enthusiasm.

They enjoy visiting the school's brand new library. Older pupils know a range of poetry off by heart, performing them well with gestures, expression and clear intonation.

Pupils behave impeccably well.

They are polite and show kindness and respect to all. Learning is not disrupted by poor behaviour. Pupils have a firm understanding of the school rules and what adults expect of them.

They support each other exceedingly well.

Pupils' personal development is well catered for. They learn about lives and beliefs that are different to their own.

They understand why fundamental British values are important in society. Pupils enjoy the opportunities that they have to take on responsibilities, such as becoming school council members. Older pupils propose lunchtime club ideas that they wish to lead for younger pupils.

They show great commitment in running these clubs each week.

Staff are proud to work at this school. They greatly appreciate the collaboration they have with teachers in other trust schools.

Staff say that they are well supported with their workload, well-being and professional development.Trustees and the local governing body provide appropriate support and challenge. They do this with knowledgeable insight and rigour.

Trustees make sure that all delegated responsibilities are carried out diligently. Trust leaders enable the school to drive improvements well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few foundation subjects, the school's intentions for the curriculum are not implemented consistently well. This impacts on how well pupils deepen their knowledge in those subjects. The school should ensure that they support teachers to develop the knowledge they need to best teach the curricular aims so that pupils achieve consistently well in all areas of the curriculum.

The Nursery curriculum is not clearly enough defined across the seven areas of learning. As a result, children do not always fully secure their understanding of some concepts in readiness for their learning in the Reception Year and beyond. The school should ensure that the Nursery curriculum is clearly defined with the knowledge, vocabulary and skills that it wishes children to benefit from, to prepare them best for future learning.

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