Eldersfield Lawn CofE Primary School

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About Eldersfield Lawn CofE Primary School

Name Eldersfield Lawn CofE Primary School
Website http://www.eldersfieldlawn.worcs.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Sarah Hindle
Address Corse Lawn, GLOUCESTER, GL19 4LZ
Phone Number 01452780309
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 105
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is rapidly improving since the current headteacher was appointed after it declined following the last inspection. Pupils enjoy coming to school and speak about it with pride and enthusiasm. The school wants all pupils to succeed, whatever challenges individuals may face, and they do.

Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics. The focus on early reading ensures all pupils do well in phonics.

In addition to revising the school curriculum, the school has made sure that the range of wider enrichment opportunities continues to be very extensive.

These include rugby coaching with international players and designing a large unicorn head with... a local artist for the re-enactment of the battle of Tewkesbury. All pupils are included in school performances throughout the year. Older pupils are currently rehearsing for a production of 'Shakespeare Rocks'.

Pupils live up to the school motto of LIFE 'living and inspiring futures for everybody'. Their behaviour in school is exemplary and their attendance is improving strongly. Pupil governors lead by example, helping to choose and design the new playground equipment.

Pupils feel safe and know how to keep themselves safe. There is always an adult to talk to.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

When the current headteacher was appointed, there was a lot to do around curriculum design and subject leadership.

The school fully engaged in support from the local authority and diocese to secure rapid improvements, accurately identifying the key actions required. The school has now put an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum in place, with a wide range of subjects backed up by significant enrichment experiences. Some aspects have been implemented more recently and will need time to be further embedded.

Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the improvements secured.

A reorganisation of staff roles has been timely in ensuring that leaders are well matched to the areas they are responsible for. Much has been done to enhance leaders' skills.

However, in some subjects, leadership is new and still developing. Leaders check how well pupils are doing, but there is more to do in some subjects and in early years for leaders to analyse any gaps in pupils' learning or further changes needed to the curriculum.

The redesigned reading curriculum is now well embedded.

The school has ensured that there is a suitable phonics programme in place which is taught consistently well by teachers and teaching assistants. Consequently, all pupils, including those who find reading difficult or are at an early stage of learning to read, are developing the skills and confidence they need to be fluent readers.

The implementation of the mathematics curriculum is well established.

For example, pupils in Reception are able to divide eggs equally across two nests and use accurate mathematical terms to describe their work, using terms such as 'odd', 'even' and 'left over'. The art curriculum enables pupils to build progressively on previous learning. Children in Reception were able to paint in the style of Van Gogh, while older pupils could confidently discuss Seurat's pointillism style and evaluate different perspective techniques employed by Constable.

Throughout their learning, there is a strong focus on pupils using more challenging vocabulary.

There is a small but growing number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. These pupils are fully included and engaged in lessons, where teachers make suitable adaptions to help them access the work of the class.

Pupils take on a very wide range of responsibilities in school. They submit application letters for roles as helpers, for example in sports and music, on the playground and in assemblies. There are numerous experiences to bring learning to life.

The incubator in early years enables children to see chicks hatching. Pupils encounter a greater diversity than exists in school. This includes a trip to London and a visit to a Hindu temple in Birmingham as part of their studies in religious education.

Pupils demonstrate respect for those with different backgrounds and beliefs.

In a small school, all staff have to take on multiple roles. Most staff spoken to said leaders help them to manage their workload well, with sufficient time given for their areas of responsibility.

Governors provide effective support and challenge to leaders. This helps them to have an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas for improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some subject changes to the curriculum have been recent. This means that the impact on pupils' learning is not as well established as it is in other subjects. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum enables pupils to achieve consistently well across all subjects.

• Some subject leadership is new. As a result, checks on gaps in learning or where changes to the curriculum are needed are not fully developed. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders are consistent in carrying out their roles to identify and address any curriculum improvements that are needed.

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