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This is a good school. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage achieve well so that most attain above the levels expected for their age by the time they enter Year 1.
Pupils of all abilities make good progress during their time at the school. By the time they leave, standards are well above average in reading, and above average in writing. Teaching is almost always good, and occasionally outstanding.
Pupils are usually stretched by the work set, particularly in literacy lessons. Pupils behave well. They take responsibility for helping those younger than themselves, regularly and enthusiastically helping out at the 'forest school', for example.
Pu...pils enjoy coming to school and are eager to take part in all that the school offers, so their attendance is improving. Good quality leadership and management ensures that the school runs smoothly and has brought about improvements in teaching. The headteacher, ably supported by staff and governors, has created a safe and caring school in which all pupils flourish.
The school provides some exciting opportunities that promote pupils' good spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. There are good relationships with parents and carers, and strong links with local schools and the church. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Achievement in mathematics is not as strong as in reading and writing.
In a few lessons teachers do not plan mathematical tasks at just the right level of difficulty to match pupils' ability. Pupils' listening skills are not as well developed as their speaking skills, and as a result some pupils do not listen carefully to questions or hear what they need to do next.
Information about this school
This is a smaller-than-average first school, situated in a small rural village.
All pupils are White British. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, including pupils supported at school action, at school action plus or through a statement of special educational needs, is very low. No pupils are known to be eligible for free school meals and none receive pupil premium funding.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.