Everton Free School

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About Everton Free School

Name Everton Free School
Website http://www.evertonfreeschool.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Steven Baker
Address 42 Spellow Lane, Liverpool, L4 4DF
Phone Number 01513194120
Phase Academy
Type Free schools alternative provision
Age Range 13-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 194
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, and students in the sixth form, attend an exceptional school.

The school provides an inspirational offer that enables pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to excel.

Pupils are happy. They live up to the school's high expectations.

Over time, pupils mirror the football club's motto, 'nil satis nisi optimum' (nothing but the best is good enough). They demonstrate this clearly in their excellent academic, personal and social development.

The transformation in pupils' behaviour, and engagement, over the time that they spend at the school is remarkable.

Pupils develop their self-esteem and sel...f-belief through learning to show respect, responsibility and resilience in all that they do. They wear their 'Everton blue' uniforms with pride.

Pupils benefit highly from a broad array of additional opportunities.

Visits, such as to theatres and museums, help pupils to appreciate life beyond the classroom. Pupils are encouraged to develop their interests, for example, mountain biking, cookery and swimming.

Pupils of all abilities are supported to engage with a range of sporting opportunities.

At the heart of this school, sits football. Pupils play in tournaments regularly, and coach local primary school pupils and disadvantaged children overseas, for example, in locations such as Aruba and New York.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Many pupils have experienced considerable disruption to their education prior to joining the school.

The relationships that pupils, many who are disadvantaged, form with staff are strong and supportive. As a result, pupils develop a renewed love for learning.

The school has designed a highly ambitious curriculum.

All pupils benefit from a core offer of English, mathematics, physical education (PE) and science. This is enhanced with a range of options that meet pupils' individual aspirations well. Many options link to sport, which the school uses exceptionally well to reengage pupils with their learning.

The curriculum pinpoints what pupils will learn and when they will learn it.

The school ensures that staff deliver the curriculum expertly well. Teachers' subject knowledge is strong.

Staff adapt their delivery of the curriculum to meet pupils' needs effectively. Assessment is used purposefully to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge and any unidentified or changing SEND. Staff use this information, enhanced when required by on-site specialists, to provide pupils with a highly bespoke programme of support.

Alongside GCSEs, pupils study a range of vocational and academic qualifications, for example, in health and social care, construction and music technology. Most pupils leave the school with a strong set of qualifications. They achieve highly from their various starting points and they are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment or training.

Many students in the sixth form join the school after completing their studies at mainstream schools. Students thrive due to the excellent curriculum on offer. The curriculum, focused on sport, is delivered exceptionally well.

Students' achievement is impressive and provides them with firm foundations for the future.

Reading is prioritised across the school. The school continues to provide pupils with support to become confident, fluent readers for as long as is required.

For example, students in the sixth form receive effective support to gain their first, or improve their current, grade in English or mathematics.

The school ensures that pupils learn in a calm and orderly environment. Pupils learn to follow the high expectations for their behaviour and conduct quickly.

They receive highly effective support to manage their own emotions.

Many pupils start at the school with a poor track record of attendance in their education to date. The school builds exceptionally trusting relationships with pupils.

This helps pupils to feel safe, secure and a part of the Everton family. Consequently, alongside excellent supportive strategies, most pupils' rates of attendance improve considerably over time.

Pupils benefit from a personalised approach to careers education, information, advice and guidance.

Students in the sixth form spoke confidently about a range of higher education options available to them. Staff help them to prepare for applications, interviews and life at university.

The school provides a highly effective personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education programme.

This, coupled with a strong approach to relationships, sex and health education, helps pupils to learn about healthy relationships, the dangers of exploitation and the importance of valuing diversity.

Staff, including those new to teaching, are immensely proud to work at the school. They reported that leaders consider their workload and well-being carefully.

Many parents and carers commented that the work of the school has had a life-changing impact on their child and family. Parents appreciate the care and guidance that staff provide to pupils.

Governance is strong.

Trustees provide effective support and challenge in equal measure. The school, and trustees, are not complacent. They are committed to continuing to drive forward the quality of education that pupils receive.

Furthermore, trustees and staff have ensured that the founding vision of this school has been fully realised. They champion pupils' many successes.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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