Field Court Church of England Infant Academy

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About Field Court Church of England Infant Academy

Name Field Court Church of England Infant Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Adam Osborne
Address Courtfield Road, Quedgeley, Gloucester, GL2 4UF
Phone Number 01452720257
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 367
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

A fun and happy place to learn' is how one pupil describes Field Court Church of England Infant Academy. Other pupils echo this view.

The school vision of 'love life, embrace learning and believe together' threads its way through all aspects of school life. Staff are ambitious. They believe that success is possible for all.

This helps pupils get off to a great start in their education.

Leaders have created a caring school based on Christian values. Pupils know why it is important to tell the truth and be courageous when trying something new.

Children develop positive learning habits as soon as they begin school. They like how staff encourage them to... be a 'bounce-back bunny' and 'positive parrot' when they find things difficult.

Pupils try hard to follow the school rules.

They enjoy earning 'golden coins' for doing the right thing. Most pupils rarely need reminding about how to behave. If disruption does occur, staff stop this quickly.

Pupils say that adults sort out any problems or friendship issues they have. This helps them feel safe.

Pupils take part in a range of clubs.

These include country dancing, ocarina and construction. Pupils say, 'There is always something interesting to do.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders prioritise children's communication and language skills from the moment they join the Nursery.

Well-trained staff use songs and rhymes to build children's communication skills. They model language and introduce new words to extend children's vocabulary. Story time is a favourite.

Children enthusiastically recite familiar stories using words and actions. This continues in the Reception Year and across the school. Teachers use high-quality books to inspire a love of reading.

By the time pupils leave Year 2, most read confidently and fluently.

From the start of the Reception Year, children develop their phonic knowledge well. They can read and write the sounds they have learned.

Pupils build on this in Years 1 and 2. Teachers use assessment regularly and accurately. They provide extra help for pupils who need it.

Even so, some staff do not consistently use the agreed approach to teaching phonics. Consequently, a small number of pupils are not catching up quickly enough.

Leaders have designed an effective curriculum based on six 'drivers'.

These shape how teachers deliver the curriculum. Leaders have sequenced learning so that knowledge builds progressively. For example, children in the early years create simple maps from school trips.

This helps pupils in key stage 1 when they use more complex maps to locate the capital cities of the United Kingdom.

Teachers successfully use 'we remember' tasks and 'maths meetings' to help pupils recap and revisit what they learn. In writing, pupils are keen to make corrections and improve their work.

However, occasionally, there is variation in how well teachers implement the planned curriculum. When this happens, some pupils do not master important knowledge and skills as well as they could.

Leaders cater well for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff identify pupils' needs early and accurately, including for children in the Nursery classes. Teachers structure support for learning, for instance by providing visual prompts to help pupils record their work in lessons. As a result, pupils learn well and follow the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils behave sensibly. Children settle quickly in the early years because staff set clear routines and expectations. Pupils like to earn bronze, silver and gold badges for going beyond what is expected.

A very small minority of pupils present challenging behaviour at times. Specialist staff ensure that these pupils receive the support they need to minimise disruption to learning.

Leaders make learning fun, interesting and relevant for pupils.

Well-planned trips and experiences bring the curriculum to life. For example, children in the early years broaden their cultural awareness by celebrating festivals, such as Chinese New Year. Visits from local firefighters promote the importance of keeping safe.

Across the school, pupils learn about fundamental British values by voting and learning about different faiths.

Local governors and central trust staff work closely with leaders. They ask challenging questions to make sure the school continues to improve.

Staff are proud to work at the school. Teachers value the support and guidance they receive from school and trust leaders.

The great majority of parents would recommend the school to others.

Many commented how staff 'go above and beyond' to ensure that children become curious learners.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise pupils' safety.

They ensure staff receive regular and relevant training, so they know how to spot and report concerns. Leaders act in the best interest of pupils to secure the help they need. They make effective use of external agencies.

Governors ensure that adults who work at the school are safe to do so.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations, such as crossing the road and when online. They know to tell a 'trusted adult' if anything worries them.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, a small number of staff do not follow the agreed approach to the delivery of the school's phonics programme. As a result, this slows down some pupils' ability to develop their reading accuracy and confidence. Leaders should continue to ensure that all staff follow the school's approach to the teaching of phonics.

• In a few subjects, there is variation in how well teachers implement the agreed curriculum. This means that some pupils do not master important knowledge and skills as well as they could. Leaders should ensure greater consistency in the delivery of subjects so that pupils secure important knowledge and skills across all year groups, including in the early years.

Also at this postcode
Field Court Junior School Atlas Camps Gloucester - Quedgeley

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