Fleetwood Flakefleet Primary School

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About Fleetwood Flakefleet Primary School

Name Fleetwood Flakefleet Primary School
Website http://www.flakefleet.lancs.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David McPartlin
Address Northfleet Avenue, Fleetwood, FY7 7ND
Phone Number 01253872884
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 471
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher has high aspirations for all pupils.

Since his appointment in April 2016, he has made significant improvements to the quality of teaching, learning and assessment at the school. Staff share the headteacher's high expectations regarding all aspects of school life. They are highly motivated, and staff morale is high.

Attainment has not been high enough in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of key stage 2 in recent years. However, current pupils are achieving well, because progress has accelerated. Teaching, learning and assessment are good.

Teachers plan interesting activities that enable pupils to achieve ...well. However, some teachers do not use assessments well enough to plan work that helps pupils to make rapid progress and achieve the higher levels. The school's work to promote pupils' personal development and welfare is outstanding.

Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning and feel safe and well cared for. Some foundation subject leaders have not developed their skills fully in checking and improving the quality of teaching. The school provides highly effective support for vulnerable pupils and their families.

Staff work closely with outside agencies to ensure that parents and carers are able to access the support that they need. Children get off to a good start in the early years. An increasing proportion of children make good progress because of the exciting curriculum and opportunities provided.

However, sometimes expectations of the most able children are too low. Pupils' behaviour is outstanding. Pupils are polite, hardworking and respectful toward each other and the adults who teach them.

Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities are supported well and make good progress from their various starting points. Teaching assistants provide highly effective support, both in class and when supporting groups or individuals. Parental support for the school is strong.

Almost all of the parents who responded to Parent View said that their children are taught well and that the school is well led and managed.

Information about this school

The school is much larger than the average-sized primary school. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is more than twice the national average.

The school met the government's floor standards in 2017. These are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in English and mathematics by the end of Year 6. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is around the national average.

The proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan or a statement of special educational needs is below the national average. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is well below the national average. The vast majority of pupils speak English as their first language.

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