Forest Oak School

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About Forest Oak School

Name Forest Oak School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Miss Donna Luck
Address Windward Way, Smith’s Wood, Birmingham, B36 0UE
Phone Number 01217170088
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 4-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 181
Local Authority Solihull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. The excellent leadership and management of senior staff have ensured the school's continuing outstanding effectiveness.

Achievement has improved year-on-year and is outstanding for all groups of pupils, regardless of their backgrounds. The sixth form provision is good. Facilities in the school have improved considerably since the previous inspection, resulting in pupils gaining an increasingly wide range and level of vocational qualifications.

Pupils who join the school other than at the usual times make rapid progress to quickly catch up with their peers in school. Teaching is outstanding and engages pupils in their learning, as... it is often fun and highly relevant to the pupils. The subjects taught across the school are well matched to each group of pupils and, where needed, each individual to make sure that all can and do achieve their very best.

Provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage is outstanding due to consistently good and outstanding teaching, and excellent monitoring and recording of children's progress. Behaviour across the whole school is outstanding. Pupils' excellent relationships with each other and with staff ensure a supportive and relaxed atmosphere in which pupils' behaviour is very well managed.

Pupils feel safe and secure in school. They have an excellent understanding of how to stay healthy and safe at all times. Parents, pupils and staff rightly feel that behaviour is very positive in school and that it is a safe and welcoming environment for the pupils.

Attendance is in line with that of other similar special schools and improving. The governing body has a good understanding of the school and challenge and support the senior leadership team effectively.

Information about this school

Forest Oak School is an average-sized special school for pupils between the ages of four and 18 with moderate learning difficulties.

Over several years, the school has admitted pupils with a greater range of difficulties and especially pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. The school has a high proportion of its pupils who enter and leave the school at times other than those usually expected. All pupils have a statement of special educational needs.

There is a much higher proportion of boys than girls in the school. Almost half the pupils are eligible for the pupil premium funding, which in this school provides extra funding to the school for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals. The vast majority of pupils are White British.

The school is part of a hard federation with another special school, with which it shares the building. The site is shared with a local high school. The two federated schools share the same Principal and governing body.

Currently, there are very few children in the Early Years Foundation Stage. The school has a relatively new sixth form building. The school uses Hill crescent Farm, Merlin Venture Ltd and Hazel Oak School's sixth form to provide extra learning opportunities for its oldest pupils.

Also at this postcode
Merstone School Smith’s Wood Academy

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