Garrett Hall Primary School

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About Garrett Hall Primary School

Name Garrett Hall Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Tracy Beaty
Address Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Manchester, M29 7EY
Phone Number 01942883340
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 485
Local Authority Wigan
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and flourish at this exceptional school. Children in the early years get off to a flying start that prepares them exceedingly well for the next stage of their learning.

Pupils are nurtured well by staff who give them every opportunity to shine.

The school's values are personified as cartoon characters, which helps pupils to understand them and to live them out. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They act sensibly and show utmost respect for teachers, peers and themselves. For example, they rush to hold doors open for each other. Pupils are enthusiastic, highly committed to their learning and strive to do well.

Pupils with special educat...ional needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs expertly met. This includes pupils in the school's specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision), 'The Ark'. The school's high expectations alongside the ambitious curriculum allows pupils to achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils eagerly grasp the abundance of different opportunities on offer. Pupils in Year 6 proudly hold a position of responsibility such as being a monitor, prefect or house captain. The pupil-run 'Garrett Gazette' captures the breadth of experiences that are on offer, and pupils' appreciation of them, such as writing competitions, French days and science week.

Pupils readily showcase their talents in sharing assemblies. During this inspection, there was much applause after Year 5s fantastic performance of a classic rock song with a range of instruments, including an electric guitar.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a broad and exciting curriculum.

Teachers skilfully use their strong subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum successfully. They ensure that they use resources extremely well and that learning is designed to help pupils to consolidate their understanding securely. Over time, pupils build up a very deep body of knowledge.

Consequently, they are able to connect new ideas to what they already know.

Teachers use the school's assessments strategies routinely well to check pupils' understanding. This allows them to accurately identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Teachers are adept at finding ways to fill those gaps. This particularly benefits pupils with SEND who are extremely well supported. Learning is broken down effectively for them while still allowing them to work independently and to apply their knowledge.

As a result, pupils with SEND achieve highly.

The school is swift to identify pupils' additional needs. Staff use their expertise fully to adapt learning.

Pupils in the specially resourced provision, learn a well-constructed curriculum that is appropriate to meet their needs. The school has successfully equipped these pupils to participate in the wider life of the school and they thrive. For example, these pupils enjoy social times and take part in trips, including residentials.

Reading is the heartbeat of the school. A love of reading flows through pupils and staff. Pupils are voracious readers and they take great pleasure in picking up a book.

The love of reading begins in the Nursery class where children act out some of their favourite tales. Pupils read confidently with fluency and have strong comprehension.

Pupils make excellent progress in learning phonics.

Teachers are well trained to deliver the phonics programme with accuracy. They use assessment methods effectively to check the sounds that pupils should know. This helps them to swiftly identify pupils who need extra help with phonics and to support them successfully to read accurately.

The joined-up approach to pupils' personal development and pastoral care contribute to the excellent standards of behaviour in the school. There is no disruption to learning in lessons. Pupils follow the school's rules diligently.

Children in the early years soon settle into the school's routines. They play happily with one another and learn to take turns. Pupils demonstrate resilience and determination especially when trying to improve their work.

The school carefully prepares pupils for life in modern Britain. Pupils can clearly express their understanding of fundamental British values and how these apply in a school and in a wider context. For instance, pupils spoke with understanding about democracy and the local elections.

Pupils have a deep sense of right and wrong. They are kind and welcoming towards all people and understand that discrimination, in any form, is wrong. The school caters well for pupils' well-being.

For example, the 'nurture room', is expertly used to help a small group of pupils to manage their emotions successfully, so that they can interact happily with their peers and enjoy learning.

The school continually strives for excellence. It is successful in its desire to provide a high-quality education for all pupils.

Governors are equipped well to support the school. They challenge and support the school to be the best that it can be.Parents and carers are full of praise for how well their children blossom at the school.

The school is considerate of staff's well-being. For example, staff are given joint planning and preparation time with their year group colleague to reduce workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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