Gawber Primary School

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About Gawber Primary School

Name Gawber Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Dawn Bradshaw
Address Church Street, Gawber, Barnsley, S75 2RJ
Phone Number 01226289728
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 212
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is an inspirational and thriving school.

Pupils feel safe here. Staff are aspirational for pupils' achievement. They nurture pupils from the moment they arrive at the school.

Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), have excellent attitudes to learning. They succeed in all areas of the well-designed curriculum.

Pupils behave exceptionally well.

The school's motto 'a caring family school' encapsulates the school values. Kindness underpins everything the staff and pupils do. Pupils conduct themselves in an exemplary manner.

They respect and value their time together. Behaviour in lessons is stron...g without exception. This is because staff are experts in modelling the desired behaviours.

Pupils love coming to school. They attend extremely well. Pupils have a 'voice' and are encouraged to use it.

They express their opinions through school council meetings, suggest school events and make weekly book recommendations to their peers. Staff teach pupils to develop life skills, such as ambition, independence and leadership.

Over time, the school has built and maintained extremely positive relationships with families.

Staff engage with external agencies to support pupils. The school is well respected in the local community. A parent summarised the opinions of many when they said, 'Absolutely fantastic school, that goes above and beyond!'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a curriculum that has the highest ambition for pupils.

Leaders regularly refine and improve the curriculum. They are determined that all pupils, including pupils with SEND, participate in all aspects of the curriculum. Leaders ensure that an aspiring curriculum begins in early years and that children grasp essential knowledge.

This unlocks the ambitious learning opportunities in subsequent years.

Staff have a deep understanding of the subjects that they teach. They choose resources and activities to support pupils in learning new concepts.

As a result, pupils learn the curriculum extremely well. They engage readily in discussions about the subjects that they are studying, using subject-specific vocabulary. In physical education (PE), for example, Year 2 pupils use, and understand, terms such as core strength, control and spatial awareness.

Teachers carefully adapt lessons to ensure that pupils benefit. Across the curriculum, pupils' misconceptions are identified and addressed promptly. This prevents pupils from falling behind.

Skilled teachers check for gaps in pupils' knowledge during lessons. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well in each subject that they study and in national tests and assessments.

Reading is a priority across the school.

As soon as children start Reception, they begin to learn phonics. Staff are experts in teaching early reading. They deliver lessons with enthusiasm.

This engages pupils and helps them to master phonics quickly and learn to read fluently. Pupils relish listening to their teachers read. They develop a love of reading for pleasure.

Children in the early years get off to the best possible start. Expert staff make sure that children quickly develop secure social and communication skills. Learning activities precisely match children's interests and stages of development.

As a result, children thrive. They enjoy following well-established routines and become eager learners. Children in early years demonstrate self-control and respect for one another.

The youngest children in school exemplify the school's approach to positive behaviour and attitudes.

The promotion of pupils' personal development is an absolute strength of the school. It is a golden thread through the school's curriculum and enrichment programme.

Pupils learn about healthy relationships, positive mental health and the wider world. Pupils' physical development is also a high priority. Pupils participate in a vibrant selection of extra-curricular activities.

These include musical theatre, baking and chess. The school links the curriculum to personal development in imaginative ways. For example, pupils at an enterprise club make designs to sell to raise money for educational visits.

Pupils take on active leadership roles and influence the school's success. The school council has worked with leaders to revise the school's behaviour policy.

Leaders at all levels are enthusiastic about providing the best educational experience for the pupils at Gawber Primary School.

Leaders provide highly effective professional development opportunities for all staff. This has led to staff developing a high level of expertise and subject knowledge. Staff well-being and workload are a priority for leaders.

Governors provide effective challenge and support for school leaders. Staff are immensely proud to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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Gawber Preschool

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