Gomer Infant School

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About Gomer Infant School

Name Gomer Infant School
Website http://www.gomerinfantschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Sarah Duffy
Address Pyrford Close, Alverstoke, Gosport, PO12 2RP
Phone Number 02392580808
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 179
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils rush into school each morning.

They are eager to see the staff and there is a mutual excitement about the day to come. Pupils are positive about their peers and the opportunities they have. These positive attitudes to school mean that pupils attend well and are rarely late.

Pupils relate to and are fluent in the school's values. They readily explain how the 'values aliens' help them with everyday situations.

Pupils expect to achieve well.

They have confidence in their abilities and enjoy their learning. The school expectations are well defined and are usually followed closely by staff. Consequently, pupils generally achieve well.

Pupi...ls love studying the local area. For instance, their debates about where Lord Nelson's column should be positioned are passionate and well informed.

Pupils behave well.

They are confident that peers are kind and that adults will resolve any worries they may have. Pupils see that the school goes to great lengths to support their well-being and happiness. They appreciate the 'comfort corners' and find the 'colour monster' posters useful.

As a result, they feel safe and manage their feelings effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is an exceptional offer to support pupils' personal growth. The school has a broad range of purposefully selected trips and events for pupils.

These are chosen to support the personal, social and health education curriculum coherently. Pupil leaders, such as the 'young governors', play an active and effective role in developing the school. The school has a significant number of pupils from service family backgrounds.

The school has worked closely with the Royal Navy to construct a coherent and specialist provision for these pupils. Pupils with any disadvantage attend other clubs and take up opportunities in high numbers.

The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils.

Pupils learn the full breadth of the national curriculum. The school has carefully defined what will be learned and when from Reception onwards. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are swiftly identified and supported effectively.

The school has identified how it intends lessons to be taught. Many teachers closely follow the intended curriculum and focus on the key content precisely. Staff use resources well to promote learning.

Most use modelling effectively. This helps pupils to grasp new content swiftly. Generally, staff check pupils' understanding effectively, but this is variable across different subjects and classes.

As a result, pupils typically achieve well, including pupils with SEND.

Most pupils are fluent and accurate readers. The school treats reading as one of its highest priorities.

There are clear and effective systems for reading. Staff ensure that all pupils learn sounds in a specific order to build learning over time. Pupils are able to apply these sounds in the books they read.

The school has a stringent system for checking what sounds pupils know and provides support for them to close any gaps in their knowledge. Pupils love reading and have a wide range of books and stories to enjoy. Children in Reception Year revel in the telling of traditional tales and independently recite known rhymes.

As a result, pupils achieve well in reading and exceed the national average for the phonics screening check.

The school has an effective strategy for promoting good attendance. Staff rigorously track individuals' and groups' attendance and use this information to inform their work.

Consequently, all pupils attend well. The school has recently introduced a new approach to promoting positive behaviour, which is fully understood by all staff. Generally, pupils behave well, although some occasionally lose concentration in lessons.

Pupils feel safe and trust that any of their worries will be dealt with swiftly. Children in Reception Year and pupils across the school learn the importance of kindness. They are explicitly taught how to use their words to resolve disagreements.

They demonstrate this in their play and when talking with adults in the setting.

The school's leadership is effective. Governors are highly informed, well trained and consistently challenge the school to do its best.

The school meets all of its statutory duties. All staff feel part of the team and well looked after. The school is highly effective at working with the community and organisations in the area.

The school's leadership has a clear plan for future development. This is based on reflective and accurate self-assessment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some instances, the teaching that pupils receive does not consistently reflect the planned curriculum precisely. This means, on occasion, not all pupils learn as well as they could. The school must ensure that the planned curriculum content is taught consistently and accurately by all staff.

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