Gorsey Bank Primary School

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About Gorsey Bank Primary School

Name Gorsey Bank Primary School
Website http://gorseybank.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mr Joe Maguire
Address Altrincham Road, Wilmslow, SK9 5NQ
Phone Number 01625468040
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 414
Local Authority Cheshire East
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), thrive at Gorsey Bank Primary School. They more than rise to leaders' high expectations of their academic and personal development.

Pupils achieve exceptionally well. They leave the school at the end of Year 6 as well-rounded, thoughtful and knowledgeable individuals. Pupils are highly equipped to embrace the challenges of the key stage 3 curriculum.

Pupils behave impeccably in lessons and at breaktimes. Their conduct helps to create a palpable sense of purpose throughout the school. Pupils trust staff to help them with any worries that they may have.

When incidents of bullyin...g occur, leaders take swift and effective action to resolve them. Pupils feel safe in school.

Pupils embrace their various leadership responsibilities.

For example, they enjoy acting as members of different parliamentary groups. Pupils make a highly tangible contribution to the life of the school through these roles.

Pupils are happy in school.

They relish the wide range of clubs and opportunities available to them. These help pupils to discover and develop otherwise unexplored talents and interests.

Parents and carers who shared their views with inspectors would readily recommend this school to others.

They feel privileged that their community is served by this outstanding school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have carefully constructed a curriculum that makes clear the knowledge that pupils need to know and remember from the moment they start in the Reception Year to the end of Year 6. The curriculum matches the ambition of the national curriculum.

In some subjects, it goes beyond this. Pupils develop a rich body of knowledge across a broad range of subjects.

Curriculum leaders have considerable subject expertise.

They make effective use of up-to-date research to underpin their curriculum thinking. Leaders provide teachers with resources of exceptional quality to support their delivery of the curriculum. They make sure that staff benefit from high-quality training.

For example, staff receive frequent training on how best to identify and meet the needs of pupils with SEND. This means that pupils with SEND receive well-tailored support. These pupils, and those pupils who are disadvantaged, flourish as a result.

Leaders check that staff deliver the curriculum to a high standard. They make sure that teachers introduce new learning at exactly the right time. Teachers do this skilfully.

They expertly check what pupils know and remember from the curriculum.This prepares pupils well for what they will learn next. In this way, teachers ensure that pupils build on their knowledge successfully.

Pupils talk about what they know already and their new learning with assurance.

Leaders recognise the criticality of teaching pupils to read. Leaders ensure that all staff deliver the phonics curriculum with fidelity.

Staff make sure that the books that pupils read are carefully matched to the sounds that they know. This helps pupils to gain the secure phonics knowledge that they need to be successful readers. Pupils who fall behind are given prompt help by highly trained staff.

This helps these pupils to catch up quickly.

Leaders and staff act as strong reading role models. They promote a genuine love of reading in pupils.

Pupils are reading advocates. They spoke with zeal about their favourite books and authors. Pupils particularly enjoy the class novels that their teachers read to them.

Over time, pupils develop into confident and highly competent readers. This helps them to access the full curriculum and contributes to their strong achievement across all subjects.

Children in the early years settle into school routines effortlessly.

Their mature attitudes belie their years. Pupils in key stages 1 and 2 build on these firm foundations successfully. They are highly respectful of each other and of adults.

Pupils' exemplary behaviour means that everyone can learn without disruption.

Leaders provide pupils with wide-ranging opportunities to learn and develop personally. For example, they make sure that pupils access high-quality literature that introduces them to topical issues.

Pupils hold dear their right to have their voice heard. They are confident and articulate when expressing their thoughts and ideas to others. Pupils show considerable sensitivity when discussing the rich and diverse lives that people live.

They are well prepared to grow up in modern Britain.

Staff, including those who are new to teaching, were overwhelmingly positive about the support and consideration that they receive from leaders. This includes how well leaders support them to manage their workload and well-being.

Trustees and members of the local academy committee are unashamedly ambitious for every pupil in the school. Their clear vision is shared by all staff. It is reflected fully in the outstanding education that pupils receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that all staff receive appropriate training so that they know how to keep pupils safe. Staff are alert to the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.

They follow agreed procedures diligently if they are concerned about a pupil's welfare. Leaders follow up any concerns thoroughly. They ensure that pupils receive appropriate support.

This includes highly effective support for pupils' emotional health and well-being.Leaders have carefully designed the curriculum to teach pupils about safety, including personal safety. Pupils feel confident to speak to trusted adults if they have any worries or concerns.

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