Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

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About Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

Name Grange Park Infant and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Kiran Thapar
Address Lansbury Drive, Hayes, UB4 8SF
Phone Number 02038860887
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 333
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school.

Pupils feel valued and safe in this attractive and caring school. Parents are very pleased with the education and welfare the school provides and the helpfulness of staff. Senior school leaders, ably supported by governors, have ensured that the quality of teaching and pupils' achievement continue to rise.

Leaders make good use of pupils' results to identify areas that need to improve and pupils who need extra support. Children in the Nursery and Reception classes get off to a flying start. Skilled adults instil them with confidence and encourage curiosity so they flourish.

As a result, they make good progress in their learning.... The quality of pupils' work is regularly checked. They make good progress in all subjects.

They achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils like coming to school and they behave well. They work and play together sensibly and are keen to get started on their learning activities.

Teachers plan a range of activities that pupils enjoy and which engage them effectively. They maintain a calm atmosphere and manage their classes skilfully. Teaching assistants make a significant contribution to pupils' learning.

Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs get the extra help they need to make good progress. Disadvantaged pupils are supported well and make rapid progress. It is not yet an outstanding school because : In writing, pupils do not reach the same high standards as they do in mathematics and reading.

Occasionally, activities planned for the most able pupils do not challenge them enough. Teachers do not always provide clear advice in marking for pupils to know how to improve their work.

Information about this school

This school is larger than the average-sized infant school.

There are two classes in the Nursery, three classes in the Reception year and four classes in both Years 1 and 2. All children attend full time in the Reception and part-time in the Nursery. Around a fifth of pupils are of Indian heritage.

The remainder come from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. There are many more pupils than average, around three quarters, who speak English as an additional language. Around one in four pupils are supported through the pupil premium fund.

This is additional government funding for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals or children who are looked after by the local authority. Just under one in five pupils, similar to the national average, are disabled or have special educational needs. The school runs a breakfast club.

Also at this postcode
Grange Park Junior School

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