Greenleys First School

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About Greenleys First School

Name Greenleys First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Douglas Campbell
Address Ardwell Lane, Greenleys, Milton Keynes, MK12 6AT
Phone Number 01908314698
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 130
Local Authority Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and safe at this inclusive school. Pastoral care is strong and ensures that pupils' physical and mental well-being is a priority.

There is a focus on developing the skills that pupils need to keep themselves safe, including when online.

The school's values of 'respect, courage and cooperation' are at the heart of this community. Those at the school want the very best for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils benefit from the improved school curriculum. They want to learn and rise to the challenges the school provides. On the whole, pupils now achieve well.

Pupils behave appropri...ately in and out of lessons. Right from the start they learn how to listen to others, follow instructions and embrace school routines. Pupils trust staff to help with any worries or disagreements.

Pupils play enthusiastically at social times when there is always plenty to interest them. They understand the importance of treating everyone fairly.

Enrichment beyond the academic curriculum is an important part of the school's vision.

Pupils enjoy the range of trips, visitors, special events and clubs offered. They look forward to celebrating their achievements in assemblies.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The determination of the school to provide a high-quality education for all pupils is unwavering.

They have made improvements to most key aspects of the school, following a period of change. Pupils' achievement at the end of key stage 1 does not yet reflect the impact of these changes. Current pupils are catching up quickly.

More of them are now making progress through the planned curriculum, although not all disadvantaged pupils are achieving as well as they could.

Overall, the curriculum is well sequenced and broken down into the small steps that build towards the important knowledge the school wants pupils to learn. However, it is not always clear what key subject vocabulary the school wants pupils to learn over time.

Pupils with SEND have access to the full curriculum offer. The school identifies any additional needs early and works closely with other professionals to provide adaptations and extra support when necessary. Most pupils remember, often in great detail, the subject knowledge that teachers help them to learn.

In some subjects, the delivery of the planned curriculum is not as consistent as it could be. This means that there are gaps in pupils' knowledge that are not closed as quickly as they could be.

The school has prioritised the teaching of reading.

Teachers begin this work as soon as children join the school. Staff receive excellent training and have the resources they need to teach early reading. The school checks pupils' progress regularly.

Most pupils struggling to learn to read get the help they need to catch up quickly. Staff read aloud carefully selected high-quality books from a range of authors. This develops pupils' love of reading and exposes them to texts they might not read themselves.

The early years learning environment is welcoming and engaging. It is a place where children flourish, with purposeful activity and positive relationships. Staff work relentlessly to secure children's language and communication skills.

Right from the start, children develop vital skills for learning, such as curiosity and resilience. Staff teach children to regulate their emotions, take turns with equipment and settle into school routines.

Pupils are polite and courteous.

In lessons, staff help pupils to focus on their work. Pupils happily follow the established school rules of 'ready, respectful and safe'. Pupils with the most complex social and emotional needs get the support needed to be successful.

The school understands the importance of good school attendance and, overall, this has remained strong. The school is working with a small number of families to improve the attendance of pupils who miss too much time at school.

There are comprehensive plans that are followed well to support pupils in their personal as well as academic development.

Personal, social, health and economic education is well sequenced. It helps get pupils ready for their move to junior school and life in modern Britain. The school ensures pupils learn about the wider world.

It deepens pupils' understanding of other cultures and religions. Pupils think about the views and experiences of others and reflect upon what this means. Many pupils enjoy the range of clubs on offer that help to develop their interests and talents.

Leaders fulfil their responsibilities well. They provide appropriate support and challenge. Staff are very proud to work at this school.

They appreciate the help they receive to improve professionally and maintain their well-being. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and are deeply grateful for the care shown to their children. One parent summed up the views of many, saying, 'The school have gone over and above to support my child and help make them feel happy and comfortable every step of the way!'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The most important vocabulary that pupils need to learn has not been fully thought through and agreed. This means that some pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged, do not achieve as well as they could. The school should continue to implement the improvements that are planned and ensure that each unit of work builds upon the key vocabulary that pupils already know.

The monitoring and support needed for the planned curriculum to be delivered consistently are not yet fully established. Consequently, delivery of the planned curriculum is not as effective as it could be. The school should ensure that teaching and learning in all curriculum areas are high quality and gaps in pupils' knowledge are closed quickly.

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