Hanslope Primary School

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About Hanslope Primary School

Name Hanslope Primary School
Website http://www.hanslopeschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Ryan Fensham-Brown
Address Long Street Road, Hanslope, Milton Keynes, MK19 7BL
Phone Number 01908510245
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 279
Local Authority Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

There is a warm and welcoming feel to Hanslope Primary School. Pupils greet visitors eagerly and with enthusiasm, keen to share the work they are doing in class. Pupils are articulate and enjoy their learning from Reception through to Year 6.

They say that this is a kind school. You can see this through the positive relationships and interactions between pupils and staff.

Leaders have created a culture where pupils work exceptionally hard and behave impeccably well.

Adults have incredibly high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There are a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop th...eir interests and skills. Many pupils enjoy taking part in the school production, for example.

The positive and warm relationships between the pupils means there are very few incidents of bullying in the school. If it were to happen, then pupils feel assured it would be dealt with quickly by staff. Older pupils show care and compassion to the younger pupils.

They love spending time reading together. Across the social times, such as breaktimes and lunchtimes, pupils play incredibly well together.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders place a high priority on reading, which pupils love.

In early years, children experience a wealth of stories and have a clear love of books. Opportunities to read are everywhere. Older pupils relish being challenged to broaden the range of authors they have read.

Pupils from Reception to Year 2 consistently follow the school's phonics programme. Teachers check pupils' phonics knowledge carefully. They use this information to provide additional support for those pupils who need to catch up.

Pupils receive rewards and certificates based on regular reading. They love choosing a book as a prize.

Leaders want pupils to experience an ambitious and memorable curriculum.

In most subjects, leaders have identified the important knowledge, skills and vocabulary they want pupils to learn. In stronger subjects, such as design and technology (DT) and science, pupils have secure knowledge and can explain their thinking clearly. In some other subjects, pupils are not systematically remembering facts beyond the 'wow moment' in a lesson.

In a small number of subjects, teachers are not secure in their knowledge of how to identify gaps in learning.

The school has recently introduced a new mathematics scheme. This is already having a positive impact on learning.

In early years, children benefit from an excellent range of opportunities to see and use numbers. This develops their interest in mathematics, including their understanding of shape. Pupils' enjoyment of mathematics continues into key stage 1 and beyond.

Leaders are quick to identify the extra help that pupils with SEND need. As a result, they receive useful support from adults in the classroom. This enables pupils with SEND to become more independent learners, accessing the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils love learning and are highly engaged and motivated in lessons. Their behaviour is exemplary across the school. As a result, pupils are ready to learn and to do their best at all times.

Children in early years maintain high levels of concentration and engagement. They work well independently or in small groups. Pupils move around the school with care.

Teachers report that behaviour is exceptional at this school.

Leaders have introduced a highly ambitious personal, social and health education curriculum. Pupils have a deep understanding of fundamental British values, which positively influences their behaviour in school.

As a result, pupils are tolerant and respectful of each other, understanding that everyone is different and that those differences should be celebrated. Leaders have deliberately chosen books for pupils to read that reflect life in modern Britain. Pupils can debate the themes found in these books in depth.

Leaders provide pupils with a wealth of leadership opportunities. Pupils relish the chance to be a digital leader or a 'kid-day-supervisor'. Beyond the curriculum, there is an extensive range of clubs for pupils to take part in.

There are also deliberately planned enrichment opportunities such as career and future jobs assemblies.

Leaders want the best outcomes for pupils. They are working to improve the curriculum even further.

Staff report that they feel supported and value the professional opportunities they receive. They are keen to develop their expertise even further to benefit pupils in the school. Governors assure themselves that the school fulfils its statutory duties well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have made sure that safeguarding is a priority. If there is a concern, leaders act quickly.

Leaders have systems in place to support pupils and families, either using in school expertise or links to professionals beyond the school. Staff receive regular training and updates so they are able to identify risks pupils may face. Records are accurate and are reviewed regularly by governors, the local authority and leaders.

Pupils know how to stay safe both at school and online. Leaders check that pupils receive key messages about local risks through assemblies. Pupils know who they can talk to in school if they have worries or concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Across some foundation subjects, there are inconsistencies in what leaders have identified as being the most important knowledge for pupils to learn. As a result, there are some gaps in pupils' understanding and vocabulary in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that planning is consistently detailed across all subjects so that pupils remember and build on their prior learning.

• Ways of checking how well pupils have understood and remembered essential knowledge are not fully in place. Consequently, teachers sometimes do not know precisely which areas of the curriculum pupils need to revisit. Leaders should ensure that assessments enable teachers to quickly identify, and then address, gaps in knowledge so that pupils can learn the intended curriculum consistently well.

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