Harris Primary Academy Purley Way

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About Harris Primary Academy Purley Way

Name Harris Primary Academy Purley Way
Website http://www.harrisprimarypurleyway.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head of Academy Mrs Verity Lambert-Dale
Address 47 Propeller Crescent, Croydon, CR0 4FE
Phone Number 02038721970
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 438
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school Since opening in 2016, leaders, including governors, have been highly effective at establishing an outstanding school where pupils excel.

The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding. Pupils successfully grapple with hard learning across the curriculum. Staff ensure that pupils keep trying.

For example, pupils say, 'If you get challenged it's okay, because hard work makes you smarter'. Leaders ensure that pupils are resilient to peer pressure. As a result, pupils are confident to make their own decisions.

This prepares pupils to be aware of the potential risks outside school, such as gangs. Pupils know ...and understand the school's golden rules. They speak of the importance of taking responsibility.

They know the meaning of respect and give examples of respecting their parents and teachers. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Leaders ensure that the curriculum is well planned to develop pupils' knowledge and skills across a range of subjects.

Pupils read fluently and quickly, because they systematically learn the sounds that letters make. Parents value the training and books the school provides to enable them to support reading at home. Because pupils are quickly able to read well, they are well primed to gain the wide body of knowledge they need.

The quality of the early years provision is outstanding. Children make very strong progress in the early years. They show a strong love for learning.

They order and sort items, calculate, write, draw, read, and solve problems with enthusiasm. Pupils speak passionately when they recall their previous learning. For example, some pupils remembered the '30 days wild' project and that their planted seeds need sun and water to grow well.

Due to retaining their knowledge, they are able to accrue further learning quickly and securely. Occasionally, teachers do not make the most of opportunities to support pupils' vocabulary acquisition and their understanding of words.

Information about this school

The school opened in September 2016, sponsored by the Harris Federation.

Currently there are two Reception classes, one Year 1 class, and one Year 2 class. The school is a member of the Harris Federation. Ultimate responsibility for the school sits with federation trustees, but much of trustees' work is delegated to the school's governing body.

The principal is supported by a Harris Federation executive principal. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above average. The proportion of pupils who speak English an additional language is above average.

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