Hart Plain Junior School

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About Hart Plain Junior School

Name Hart Plain Junior School
Website http://www.hartplain-jun.hants.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Charlotte Faithfull
Address Hart Plain Avenue, Cowplain, Waterlooville, PO8 8SA
Phone Number 02392263200
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 217
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are confident, happy learners who express their opinions readily. They have an appetite for knowledge and always ask questions about the topics they are studying. While pupils know that the school expects a lot of them, they understand this is because adults want them to be the very best that they can be.

Pupils feel safe because they know the adults care for them. They believe that there is always a member of staff who understands them and that they can approach if they have concerns.

The school's values are understood and respected.

Pupils confidently explain how they use these in their everyday life. The values help pupils to be 'courageous' and to ...act with 'integrity'. The school's culture is such where pupils respect each other, and bullying is rare.

Pupils talk enthusiastically about the number of extra-curricular opportunities they have. Different sports such as cross country and tag rugby, alongside art and music clubs, means that there is something for everyone to try. Pupils are keen to take on leadership roles.

They explain proudly how positions of responsibility, such as being an 'Online Warrior' or 'Community Leader', really help and support both pupils and adults.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have thought carefully about the school's curriculum. Teachers work together to consider the interests of pupils as well as what they need to achieve.

This has been particularly significant in reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils are now more confident in applying what they have learned. For example, in mathematics, pupils readily use a variety of strategies to solve tricky and challenging problems.

Teachers have also developed other subjects, such as science, French and physical education (PE), to help pupils learn topics and skills in an appropriate order. This is not yet the case across the whole curriculum, but leaders know the actions they need to take to ensure that pupils are ready for secondary school.

The school is a community of readers.

Book recommendations by staff and pupils are displayed side by side in a well-stocked library. There is a rigorous approach to providing the right support for any pupils who find reading more difficult. This includes the effective teaching of phonics in Year 3 and Year 4.

As a result, all pupils are now becoming more fluent and confident readers.

Pupils bubble with interest and excitement in their lessons. This means that a few pupils need occasional reminders to settle, but they do this quickly.

Adults are well trained to understand the behaviour of pupils. Their support helps pupils to be calmer and to develop more control over their actions and emotions.

This is an inclusive school where adults prioritise identifying how to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Detailed and comprehensive plans are used daily to ensure that all pupils get the same learning opportunities, regardless of their needs. Parents and carers told us that they really value the supportive relationships that staff have with pupils with SEND and their families.

Leaders have prioritised support for the mental well-being of their pupils.

Staff provide daily opportunities where pupils explore their emotions. One pupil explained how he now knows what to do if he feels sad or annoyed. Pupils experience a wide range of opportunities that they may not have out of school.

This includes trips to the theatre and taking part in sporting competitions, as well as working with authors and a variety of outside speakers. As a result, pupils understand more of the world around them and the importance of respecting everyone, regardless of their background or differences.

The school's values underpin the actions of the headteacher and her staff.

The recent changes in the governing body mean that school leaders are now starting to get the right challenge and support. This will help them in their relentless drive to improve every aspect of the school so that every pupil has an excellent education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong and positive safeguarding culture at the school. Leaders, including governors, ensure that all record-keeping is accurate and in place. They work alongside staff to respond sensitively and quickly to any concerns about pupils.

Key staff have developed good relationships with families who may need extra support. External agencies are asked to step in when additional help is required.

Pupils value the guidance they receive on how they can look after and protect themselves.

This includes extensive teaching about online safety, as well as advice about how pupils should ride their bikes safely.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Improvements in the curriculum planning and implementation of reading, writing and mathematics have not yet resulted in enough pupils reaching or exceeding national expectations at the end of key stage 2. As a result, too many pupils have not been well prepared for secondary school.

Leaders should ensure that the current improvements are maintained and built upon, to help pupils learn and remember more. . A small number of subjects are as not as well developed in their curriculum planning and implementation as others.

As a result, pupils are not able to build and develop their knowledge and skills well. Leaders should ensure that curriculum improvement work continues so that all subjects are equally well planned and sequenced and of the same high quality as each other.The governing body has recently been restructured and new members have been appointed.

Governors recognise that they have not always challenged leaders well enough in the past. They now need to continue improving how they hold leaders to account. This should include checking the impact of their strategic decisions on the quality of education.

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