Haydon Wick Primary School

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About Haydon Wick Primary School

Name Haydon Wick Primary School
Website http://www.haydonwick.swindon.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Chris Neal
Address The Brow, Haydon Wick, Swindon, SN25 1HT
Phone Number 01793706606
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 274
Local Authority Swindon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at Haydon Wick Primary.

Expectations for all pupils are high. As a result, pupils attend regularly and are eager to learn. Pupils are rightly proud of their school.

There is a strong sense of community, which pupils value.

The values of respect, resilience and responsibility underpin the school's ethos and are threaded through the curriculum and life at the school. As a result, pupils' behaviour and attitudes strongly reflect the school's values.

Pupils are adamant that everyone is treated equally and fairly. Pupils have a firm belief that discrimination should not be tolerated. Pupils, including the youngest children in early years, de...monstrate high levels of respect for one another and for adults.

They are mindful of others' well-being. As a result, the school environment is positive and welcoming.

The school supports pupils to be well prepared for the future.

For example, the 'Junior Good Citizen' programme helps pupils to develop life skills. Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe online, in school and in the community. Pupils know that there are adults to talk to if they have a worry.

This includes an online system where they can share concerns when they are not in school. As a result, pupils feel safe.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is unwavering in its ambition for all pupils to succeed.

The trust, school leaders, staff and governors share in this vision. The school sets high expectations for all pupils and supports them to flourish. The well-designed curriculum sets out the precise knowledge that pupils need to learn.

Pupils build their knowledge exceptionally well. They produce high-quality work. The school's high ambition ensures that pupils receive an outstanding education that equips them well for the future.

Haydon Wick is a highly inclusive school. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are accurately identified and achieve well. Teachers successfully adapt learning to support pupils' needs and use additional resources very effectively.

As a result, all pupils progress extremely well through the intended curriculum.

The school is not complacent. It tenaciously reviews the curriculum to ensure that it continues to improve.

For example, the school took swift and effective action to address the lower outcomes in the most recent published data for writing in greater depth at key stage 2. The impact is evident in the high quality of current pupils' writing.

Through the trust's strong focus on training, teachers have secure subject knowledge.

As a result, teachers ably support pupils to learn the curriculum successfully. Teachers' skilful questioning supports and extends pupils' learning. This helps pupils to develop a secure understanding of demanding curriculum content.

Teachers use assessment effectively. They carefully check what pupils know and remember. Teachers identify where there are misconceptions or gaps in pupils' learning and swiftly take steps to address these.

Teaching ensures there are regular opportunities for pupils to revisit prior learning. Pupils confidently make links with what they have learned previously. This helps them to build securely on what they already know.

As a result, pupils know and remember more.

Reading is a high priority. The school's 'reading rainbow' promotes a love of reading.

Pupils are interested in the books they are reading. They are keen to discuss what they have read and the authors they enjoy. Children learn phonics from the start of Reception Year.

Staff are knowledgeable and ensure that pupils learn the phonics code well. Books are carefully chosen so that they precisely match pupils' phonic knowledge. This helps pupils to read with increasing fluency and confidence.

Children get off to a flying start in Reception. The school's aim is for children to become independent and creative learners, and they do. Children are inquisitive and keen to explore.

They are eager to share what they know with adults. Children play together well and learn to take turns. They are well prepared for Year 1.

The school's work to support pupils' personal development is exemplary. It goes above and beyond to ensure that pupils have a wide range of opportunities. These include a range of clubs, trips and visitors to the school.

For example, a visit from a local Member of Parliament helped pupils to learn about democracy. These activities enrich and extend pupils' learning beyond the academic.

The school provides numerous opportunities for pupil leadership.

These include the school council, house captains, prefects, 'Rights Respecting' council and the school's 'Diverse Learning Council' (DLC). The DLC helps to promote diversity and inclusivity in the school. This helps pupils to learn how to be responsible and active citizens.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. They are exceptionally well-mannered and polite. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning.

They are keen to do well and participate positively in lessons. Pupils are resilient. They understand that to get better at something takes practice.

The school is supported well by the trust and local governors. Leaders at all levels provide appropriate support and challenge so that the school realises its ambition for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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