Heathrow Primary School

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About Heathrow Primary School

Name Heathrow Primary School
Website http://www.heathrowprimaryschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Simon Giles
Address Harmondsworth Lane, West Drayton, UB7 0JQ
Phone Number 02087591628
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 428
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend this school and to be a member of the school's community.

Relationships between pupils, staff and families are strong, including in the early years. Pupils are safe in school. The school has three rules which ask pupils to be polite, caring and thoughtful.

All pupils follow these rules, routinely behave well and value each other. Pupils understand what bullying is and trust their teachers to deal with it if it does occur, which teachers do.

Leaders' academic expectations of pupils are high.

Teachers expect pupils to work hard. Pupils achieve well

Pupils are happy, polite, and enthusiastic. They love learning and t...ry hard in class.

Pupils enjoy the opportunities that leaders provide to raise funds for charity and to develop leadership skills as house-team leaders or members of the school council. Pupils felt that this helps them to learn about taking responsibility. They benefit from opportunities to deepen their learning outside the classroom, including an extensive range of clubs and visits.

Pupils said how much they enjoy these experiences.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Younger pupils learn phonics quickly. Teachers are well trained to use the school's chosen programme.

Teachers check pupils' progress regularly. If any pupils fall behind, teachers or teaching assistants give them extra support to catch up swiftly. Pupils read books which are matched to the phonics they know.

To help pupils to become fluent readers, leaders ensure that there is a clear focus on vocabulary development from early years to Year 6. Pupils learning English as an additional language receive additional help so that they can catch up with their peers.

Teaching programmes match the scope and ambition of the national curriculum.

Leaders have considered the important knowledge pupils need to learn. Careful sequencing of subject content from the early years helps pupils to understand more complex ideas by building on what they have learned before. Typically, teaching gives pupils ample time to practise the skills that they have learned so that they can apply them to increasingly complex questions.

Teachers use assessment to understand what pupils can do and where they need more support. However, in some subjects, leaders have not identified as securely the important ideas that pupils need to learn and remember. In these subjects, teachers' subject knowledge is not as routinely strong.

This means that sometimes teachers give pupils work which is too difficult or not focused on what pupils need to know.

Most pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive here. This is because leaders, teachers and support staff know them well and understand what helps them to learn.

They are given specialist help in lessons when it is needed and staff are well trained to understand pupils' particular needs. This begins in the Reception Year. Pupils with SEND are identified swiftly so that support can be put into place as soon as possible.

Leaders have introduced a programme to help pupils understand their emotions. This helps pupils to deal with how they feel and to avoid being distracted from their learning.

Pupils learn to respect and value other faiths and cultures.

Leaders work closely with parents and carers. They invite parents into school to find out what their children are learning. This helps parents to understand how their children are doing at school and how they can support their children's learning at home.

This also supports and nurtures a thriving relationship between the school and parents. Parents praised the school.

Pupils are focused in class and keen to do their best.

They are rarely disrupted from learning the curriculum and their work because all pupils are engaged in learning.

School leaders recognise the strengths of the school. However, leaders, including those responsible for governance, do not routinely identify where the school needs to improve and the actions needed to secure improvement.

This means that leaders are not held typically to account to achieve the improvements that are needed across the curriculum.

Staff enjoy working at the school and are proud to be part of the school's community. They felt well supported by leaders who are considerate of their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained to spot signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm. They know what to do if they have any concerns.

Leaders have put in place a thorough training programme for staff which keeps them up to date on issues that pupils may face. Leaders work well with external agencies and the local authority, and make sure that pupils and families get the support they need. Leaders and staff teach pupils to safeguard their well-being, including how to stay safe online and the importance of healthy lifestyles.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, leaders have not identified all the knowledge that pupils need to learn and teachers' subject knowledge is not routinely strong. As a result, teaching in these subjects does not routinely ensure pupils learn important concepts. Leaders should ensure that teachers know precisely what key content and skills pupils need to learn, so that pupils' understanding builds cumulatively over time in all subjects.

Leaders and the governing body do not have a full understanding of limitations in curriculum planning in some foundation subjects. This means that leaders are not held to account for action planning to improve in these subject areas. The governing body and leaders need to ensure that evaluations are accurate and put sound plans in place to secure the improvements needed.

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