Henry Cavendish Primary School (Streatham Site)

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About Henry Cavendish Primary School (Streatham Site)

Name Henry Cavendish Primary School (Streatham Site)
Website http://www.henrycavendish.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Apsley
Address Dingley Lane, Woodfield Avenue, Streatham, London, SW16 1AU
Phone Number 020 8673 3376
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 819
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils love attending this school. They thrive both academically and socially.

Parents and carers are equally positive about the school's work. Many said they cannot praise it highly enough. Words such as 'dedication', 'nurturing' and 'above and beyond' were typical of parents' views.

Strong relationships underpin the school's inclusive ethos. Pupils feel and are kept safe in an environment that is built on respect. They get along with each other well, showing high levels of courtesy and kindness.

Playtimes are convivial. On the very rare occasions that bullying occurs, it is dealt with swiftly and effectively.

The school has very high expectations o...f its pupils.

Its outstanding curriculum ensures academic excellence. Careful thought goes into the provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). As a result, all pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Outcomes in national assessments at the end of Year 6 are well above the national average. Pupils are consequently exceptionally well prepared for secondary school.

Pupils have a genuine voice in how the school is run.

They relish the opportunities that they have to make a positive impact, both within their community and beyond. For example, the eco-group is working on sustainability in fashion, and the meal ambassadors are consulting with caterers on improving the menu and reducing waste.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has built an exemplary curriculum that ensures pupils' skills and knowledge build coherently and systematically over time.

The meticulous design of the curriculum reflects the school's high ambition. For example, pupils learn to play a range of instruments and are confident in musical notation by Year 6.

Teaching ensures that pupils remember key information.

In this way, pupils' learning builds incrementally. For example, in history, Year 6 pupils were able to have well-informed discussions about crime and punishment across the ages because their prior learning was so secure. Teachers check on pupils' learning in lessons and address any misconceptions clearly.

They use these checks to ensure that pupils are on track with learning the curriculum. If any pupils are in danger of falling behind, tight processes help them to catch up successfully.

The school prioritises reading, which is reflected in the resources and attention which leaders give to making sure that pupils quickly become confident readers.

The continued strong focus in recent years on phonics and early reading has strengthened provision further. The school maintains well-stocked libraries on both sites. Story times are a regular feature in classrooms from early years upwards.

Books are carefully chosen to capture children's imaginations. Pupils take home books that match the sounds that they know. All of this supports pupils to become confident, motivated readers.

Provision for pupils with SEND is highly effective. Training to support and develop staff's understanding of SEND has been beneficial. Consequently, staff identify pupils' needs in a timely way and use their skills and knowledge to put appropriate adaptations in place.

Pupils show excellent attitudes to their learning. They sit and listen intently in lessons, contributing enthusiastically when they are asked. For example, children in Nursery listened carefully so that they could match the instrument to the sound that they heard.

Routines are well established across the school. For example, pupils use the school's required gestures in phonics lessons to reinforce their learning. Pupils understand the behaviour policy and seek to meet its expectations.

In this way, things run smoothly and learning time is maximised. Pupils enjoy school and attend regularly. Any families that need help to improve attendance are well supported.

The school promotes pupils' personal development exceptionally well. Pupils talk with glee of attending different clubs, such as those for Mandarin, fencing, coding, chess and sports. There is something for all ages.

Some clubs have tangible outcomes. For example, the urban art club projects add colour to the school grounds. Pupils also really appreciate the roles of responsibility that they hold because they see that they make a notable difference.

For example, the eco-team runs a refill shop to promote sustainability. Here, customers come with their own containers to buy products such as laundry detergent. Pupils learn about public speaking by running the school radio station.

The strong focus on respecting each other's rights means that pupils regularly reflect on how their actions affect others. Doing so helps them to prepare for life in modern society exceptionally well.

Since the pandemic, the school has enhanced its provision for mental health and well-being.

For example, if pupils have a concern, they can ask for bubble time or place a note in the thought boxes available in every class.

Staff professional development is given the utmost importance. Staff spoke about how the training that they receive develops their subject knowledge and teaching skills.

They appreciate how leaders and governors take their well-being into account. Staff morale is very high.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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Henry Cavendish Primary School

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